Chapter 15

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The next day, the castle was bustling with preparations for the upcoming celebration. Elena awoke on the floor of the king's bed-chamber, still tired but with a sense of duty. She knew there was much to be done to ensure the event went smoothly.
Elena got up and quickly straightened her attire, making sure she looked presentable. She wondered what tasks she would be assigned today and hoped they wouldn't be as physically demanding as the previous day's chores. With a deep breath, she headed out of the king's chamber As she reached their throne room the kings seemed to be in a good mood when they noticed her coming into the room with her head bowed they called her forward As Elena approached the kings, she kept her head bowed, waiting for their instructions. The fact that they were in a good mood was a relief to her, as it meant the potential for harsh punishments was reduced, at least for now. She stood there respectfully, ready to receive their orders. they noticed her in the room with her head bowed, and they called her forward. Draegan reached toward her head, his touch oddly degrading, as he began to pet her like a dog. Elena found this treatment strange and demeaning. Then, to her surprise, he reached behind his chair and produced a long collar attached to an even longer chain. With a commanding tone, he ordered her even closer, placing the collar around her neck. The collar felt tight, and she knew she had no choice but to obey. Draegan gave her specific instructions never to remove it during the celebration, tugging on the collar to ensure it was securely fastened. Elena nodded slightly, a silent acknowledgment that she understood she was not to take it off, her feelings of submission and helplessness reinforced at that moment. While Elena sat there, the weight of the collar around her neck was a constant reminder of her submissive position. As the kings attended to their kingly duties, she couldn't help but feel humiliated. The ambassadors and delegates in the room couldn't help but notice her sitting obediently at Draegan's side with the leash in his hand, attached securely to her neck. She did her best to ignore the curious and judgmental stares from those around her, but the situation only added to her sense of vulnerability and humiliation. As the evening approached, the kings decided it was time to prepare for the celebration. They made their way back to their chambers, with Elena obediently following them. The atmosphere in the castle was filled with anticipation and excitement as the grand event drew nearer. The kings adorned themselves in regal attire that accentuated their status as rulers of the Lycan kingdom. Elena watched in awe as they transformed from the powerful and ruthless leaders she knew into majestic and imposing figures. Their clothes exuded authority and dominance, a stark contrast to the submissive demeanor they often demanded from her.
Alaric, with his imposing presence, presented her with a dress made of delicate silk. The fabric was sheer and clung to her body, leaving little to the imagination. Elena hesitated for a moment, her eyes darting between the dress and the king. She contemplated not wearing it, as it made her feel vulnerable and exposed. However, she quickly dismissed that thought, knowing that any defiance on her part would lead to severe consequences.
With a sigh, she reluctantly began to put on the dress. As the silk slid over her skin, she couldn't help but feel the weight of her situation. Elena couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between the powerful guests arriving at the castle and the pitiful state of their slaves. The guests, mostly burly and well-built lycans, entered the castle with an air of superiority, accompanied by their enslaved companions.
Her heart sank as she observed the deplorable conditions in which these unfortunate women were kept. Some of the slaves were completely nude, their vulnerability on full display for all to see. Others appeared emaciated and near death, the physical toll of their servitude evident in their gaunt faces and frail bodies. Elena couldn't fathom the suffering they must have endured.

The sight of these women being subjected to further abuse, including beatings, right in front of her only deepened her sense of helplessness. She felt a surge of sympathy for them, knowing that they were trapped in a world where cruelty and submission were the norm, much like her own situation. Elena, feeling the tug on her collar, obeyed Alaric's unspoken command and returned to his side. She bowed her head respectfully as he tapped his lap and issued the word "come." With a mixture of anxiety and submission, Elena complied, carefully situating herself on his lap, as she had done many times before with Dreagan As Elena sat on Alaric's lap, she observed the various royals arriving to greet the kings. Some of them couldn't help but notice her, and their lecherous looks made her uncomfortable. Others, however, seemed to pay no attention to her presence at all, treating her as if she were merely a piece of furniture in the room. Elena remained in her place, submissive and silent, as the celebration continued around her.As the celebration continued, Elena began to wiggle in Alaric's lap, enough to signal her distress. Alaric leaned down, his voice low and filled with authority, as he asked what was troubling her. Elena blushed and hesitated for a moment before quietly confessing that she needed to go to the bathroom.
Alaric nodded understandingly, and with a subtle gesture, he allowed Elena to excuse herself. She walked away from the bustling celebration, her heart pounding with mixed emotions. Finding the nearest bathroom with the chain of the collar right behind her she took a deep breath. The solitude provided a moment of respite from the overwhelming atmosphere of submission and servitude that surrounded her.
Elena took a moment to collect her thoughts, trying to push aside the humiliation and discomfort she felt. She knew her role as a servant to the kings was not one she had chosen but one imposed upon her. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she couldn't help but wonder about her own identity and the fate that had brought her to this place she glanced at the collar around her neck
After composing herself, Elena washed her face, her hands trembling slightly. She knew that she had to return to the celebration, to Alaric's side With a resigned sigh she left the bathroom, and as she was about to head back to the kings she was stopped by a big figure that grabbed her and pulled her away from prying eyes her chain to long for the kings to notice her distress.

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