Chapter 44

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The presence of the single rose on her bed was a mysterious gesture that left Elena intrigued. She couldn't help but wonder about King Akee's intentions and the meaning behind this simple yet meaningful gift. As she held the delicate rose in her hand, she could still detect the lingering scent of the king, a scent that had become familiar to her over time.
Elena pondered why King Akee had chosen to visit her room this time. Their interactions had been pleasant and respectful, but this added layer of intimacy raised questions in her mind. Was it merely a kind gesture from a friendly king, or did it hold a deeper significance?
She carefully placed the rose in a small vase filled with water, allowing its vibrant crimson petals to brighten her room. As she prepared for rest, Elena couldn't shake the feeling that something was shifting in her relationship with King Akee. The rose was a symbol of beauty and affection, and it left her with a sense of warmth.
Despite her reservations and the moon goddess's warning, Elena found herself drawn to King Akee's kindness and genuine interest in her well-being. However, the mysteries surrounding her true mates and her past continued to cast shadows on her heart. She knew that she needed to tread carefully, for her own sake and for the secrets she held.
With the rose as a silent reminder of their connection, Elena settled into her bed, her thoughts drifting between the past and the present, and the uncertain future that lay ahead. Elena was surprised by the early visit from King Akee and his guards. She couldn't help but wonder about the nature of this private conversation. With a polite nod, she stepped aside, allowing the king and his guards to enter her room. The door closed behind them, enveloping the room in a sense of privacy.
Elena's thoughts raced as she considered the possible reasons for this meeting. Her heart told her that King Akee had shown nothing but kindness and respect during their interactions, but her cautious nature reminded her of the secrets she held and the ruthless kings she had left behind.
With a calm demeanor, she turned her attention to King Akee and awaited his words, her lycan senses on high alert, ready to react if needed. The room was filled with an air of anticipation as they began their private conversation.
Elena couldn't hide the sudden tension that coursed through her. The mention of two kings seeking an escaped omega immediately raised alarm bells in her mind. Her escape from Dreagan and Alaric's kingdom had been well-executed, and she had taken great care to cover her tracks. However, it seemed that her past had come back to haunt her.
She looked at King Akee with a mixture of concern and uncertainty. "What did you tell them?" she asked cautiously, her mind racing to find a way out of this situation. The last thing she needed was to be discovered and dragged back to her former captors.
Relief washed over Elena as she realized that King Akee had protected her by denying the presence of any omega matching her description. She couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude toward him for shielding her from her pursuers.
"Thank you," she murmured sincerely, her gaze meeting his. "I appreciate your help in keeping my presence hidden. I don't want to be found by those kings."
King Akee gave a nod of understanding. "You have my word, Elena. I will do my best to ensure your safety here in Erindor. You are welcome in my kingdom."
Elena couldn't help but wonder how much King Akee truly knew about her and her past, but for now, she had to trust that he was genuinely on her side.
As King Akee left her alone Elena's mixed emotions continued to swirl within her as she gathered information about Dreagan and Alaric's kingdom from her new vantage point. On one hand, she felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that her escape had disrupted their rule and left their kingdom in disarray. But on the other hand, she couldn't shake the worry and

guilt she felt for the omegas and Lycans who were left behind to suffer the consequences of her departure.
While she played her part in King Akee's kingdom, Elena couldn't help but contemplate if there was any way she could remotely influence a positive change for her former home. As she dug deeper into the ongoing turmoil in Dreagan and Alaric's realm, a plan began to form in her mind – a way to help the omegas and Lycans, even if she couldn't be with them physically.
Elena knew that her window of opportunity was approaching, and she needed to prepare herself for what lay ahead. With the news of Dreagan and Alaric's imminent visit to King Akee's territory, she realized that her plan needed to be set into motion soon. She couldn't afford to let them get any closer to uncovering her whereabouts.
Over the next few days, Elena focused on honing her skills and making discreet preparations. She gathered supplies, honed her combat abilities, and learned more about the lay of the land. King Akee had been accommodating, but Elena knew she couldn't rely solely on his protection. She needed to be self-sufficient and ready to face whatever challenges came her way.
As the days passed and Dreagan and Alaric's arrival grew nearer, Elena's determination only grew stronger. She was ready to face her ruthless mates once more, not as a submissive omega but as a lycan who had learned to fight for her own destiny.

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