The secret wolves

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Warning: mpreg

Hank's pov:

Nick and I were at the crime scene. I could smell the blood, but something wasn't quite right. The smell was coming from Nick, which stood near a police car talking to an officer.

I walked over to him, and the smell got stronger. "Babe," I whispered before getting this attention "yeah" he spoke, standing next to me. "Why do you smell stronger today?"

He looked very uncomfortable when he kneeled down to look at the victim's body lying on the ground.

I couldn't help but get another sniff off Nick. To my surprise, he got into the car, in the passenger seat, and sat there quietly, not making a sound.

After I finished talking to the witness , I joined Nick in the car and closed the door, then looked at him calmly as I didn't want to scare him or make him nervous.

"Babe, are you alright?" I whispered not too loudly. He looked at the ground and said "yeah I'm fine," while giving me a slight smile.

"Well, actually, I need to tell you something, we need to go somewhere private," he managed to whisper

As we were going down the road, he told me to turn into a layby, it was quite, not a lot of cars use this one.

After we parked up and he grabbed my hand and placed it onto his stomach and gave me another smile.

"I am pregnant, Hank"

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