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When MC came back he went to his room and found that mikey wasn't alone, he was with swift. They where now talking about everything and nothing at the same time, haveing fun. He heared them laugth and even 'figth' as a joke.
He decided to step in the room to find them on the floor, on a really easey to misunderstand pose. Mikey was on top of Swift, with one leg in between his. Swift had some tears on his eyes from not stop laugthing, so did mikey.

MC: i mean... If you wanna do stuff like that, swift, you'r room's next door.

In less then a second, mikey was on his feet wipeing his face. Swift was more slow to stand up as he didn't care what his brother thought they were doing.

MC: what were you doing?

Mikey: nothing bad! I swear dog! Swift made a really bad joke before and i told him he wasn't gonna make me laugth.

Swift: so i tickled him.

Mikey: yeah! He tickled me!! And this asshole wouldn't stop so i started tickling him back.

Swift: and i fall off the bed.

Mikey: he fall!! and i didn't stop my revange! I jumped on him and ticked even more!!

Swift: yeah, he did.

MC: ok? Nice to know you weren't fucking eachother on my room's floor.

Mikey and Swift looked at eachother for a second. Mikey blushed, Swift laugthed causing mikey to follow. Now they were both laugthing from unther their noses.
They talked and had fun, weiting for Ghost and Rabel to come back with their grandma. MC made some jokes about what just happend and swift played along.


Everyone was in the liveingroom saying goodby to grandma. She had her suitcase on one hand and her purse on the other, ready to go.

Grandma: boys, you have all the food you need to sourvive this days without me.

Boys: yes grandma.

Grandma: don't make any mess, and i hope the house will be looking good as new when i come back.

Boys: yes grandma.

Grandma: and if i recive any call from the neighbours that you all have been loud and a pain in the ass i'll make sure to give you a proper punishment! Specialy for you swift!

Boys: grandma! (Swift: what did i do!?)

Grandma: don't be babys, y'all are grown enough to be reliable. (To mikey)And good bye sweet heart, if any of this jerks here gets you in trubble, call me, i'll make sure it never happends again.

Mikey: thenks Kalisha, i'll keep it in mind.

Mikey seid that looking mostly at swift, who noticed and just winked at him. The grandma laugthed and walked away seying her last good byes.
It was now official, They had the house to themselves!!!

They played videogames, went to the sckate park to show up some tricks, they even made a competition on who can make the bigges burp (wich was kind' of gross. Sopoler: MC won).

Everything was going smothly and everyone was haveing fun. After dinner, they had pizza, they decided to watch a movie before going to sleep. More then an houer and a half had passed before they even chose the movie, they couldn't agree with one. MC whanted to watch cinderella, Rabel fast & furious, Ghost wanted to watch Matrix, Swift tryed to ask for a porn movie but he was quikly ban from the selection, and finally Mikey asked to watch inside out.

Since none of them could agree they watched a ranfom moovie instead. The random movie selected was one called Mutant Mayham. Everyone liked it and ot was fun to watch. It was a 3D animated moovie about four ninja turtles who were trying to save humanity. MC even made fun of the fact that they all were called like Mikey and his brothers and that they did ninjitsu, like their father tought them. (Well, most of them. Mikey was never thougth).

After the moovie, they all went to sleep. First was Ghost, followed Rabel, then Swift and finnaly the two yungest were left alone. They decided to go to MC's room and shit-talk about people, do some gossip. And they did.
After a cupple of minutes MC had to excuse himself to go to the bathroom, mikey was left alone. He looked around the room, it was tynier then his but, since he shared room with raph, he thought it was fair. Soon he started to get bored and looked to his shoes, then looked his pants (which had a ketchup stain from last week that didn't come off) and then to his shirt... Well... Swift's shirt. He slowly took the front of it with his hands and, unsure, put it closer to his face. He then took a deep breath and he could recognouse Swift's scent, swet and his horribly strong perfume. That somehow made him feel weird, strange, like... Unreal. His gut started tickeling and he could feel his face getting red.

MC: if you keep smelling the shirt that hard you'll end up breathing it into your lungs.

Mikey stoped feeling a little ashamed and his face got even more red then before. MC just laugthed at that and didn't take it much serious. He sat down on the bed, beseide Mikey, and looked at him.

MC: if you like him so bad, why don't you tell him?

Mikey: are you crazy!?

His tone was far from yelling, he was more like wishpering loud. MC couldn't stop smileing to his friend's reaction. It was clear mikey and swift had a strong tension between them, everyone could feel it, but mikey wasn't ready.

Mc: c'mone mikey. Why are you so afraid? I mean... I know Adam really messed you up but... Swift likes you as well. You'r my best friend, and i want the best for you, but Swift's also my brother and i've been noticing his frustration-

Mikey: frustration? Did- did i do something wrong to him!?

The conversation took a tourn really fast. Mikey was now feeling horrible. He wasn't sure if he wanted to hear what MC had to say.

Mc: mikey... I'm sorry, i didn't mean to-

Mikey: do i make him feel desconfort!? Was i a dick to him at some point?! Do you think i hurted him!!??

Mc: no! No! Of course not! Sorry mikey, i didn't mean to make you feel upset! Swift's in love with you, you know it! And it's been a cupple of days since he has been trying to get closer to you and i know he's been willing to ask you out but he's afraid you will reject him for what happend with Adam and with all you go through with your dad!

Mikey: so... He feels frustrated because he doesn't wanna ask me out... Thinking i may not be ready?

Mc: yeah...

Mikey: and... I'm not ready... I still have nigthmers with Adam... And perhaps i get along with my siblings, but not with my dad...

Mc: i understand but... Sometimes you gotta listent to your heart bro. I ain't no one to tell you how to do your stuff but... If i were you and someone like swift apeared in my life... I would make sure to never let him go. Or at least i would make sure to make them stay close.

Thoes were the last words MC seid before decideing it was time for sleep. Mikey couldn't stop thinking about what his friend seid and... He was rigth. He was sure he loved swift, Adam was no longer a problem and his dad wasn't an excuse. He did need time to heal but... Healing doesn't neceseraly mean lonelyness... Doesn't it?

Like MC, mikey also decided to go to sleep, he needed to rest as well. He wasn't tyerd at all but somehow his brain felt like if he had solved the hardest math problem after reading an enciclopedia twice. Before closeing his eyes, his mind couldn't stop thinking swify was next door. He needed a plan to tell him how he felt... Or at least to make him unsertand he did want him... But... Give it time.

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