Chapter 2: Brotherly Love

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A/N: I just want to make a quick disclaimer that this is NOT a ship! You already know that Big Dave and Darrius are brothers. 

As Darrius leans against the wall while deep in thought, he can't help but dwell on the past. Man, I can't believe my big brother died in front of me and then got revived. And did Donovan really change from a guy that we barely even notice to an unhinged maniac? Things really have changed fast. He thought to himself.

There was so much that has happened in one year, it all felt too bizarre to be a reality. Almost like a dream except it's real. While Darrius continues to dwell on all that's happened, his big brother, Big Dave, happened to turn the corner where his little brother was thinking to himself. "Are you alright, Darrius?" Big Dave asked.

His deep voice startled Darrius a bit, but he quickly shrugged it off. "Oh, hey, David. I was just thinking to myself. Why? What's up?" He responded without looking at the large speakerman. "I'm just checking up on you like an older sibling should be doing." Big Dave said. "God, you're making it sound like you have to babysit me. I'm an adult, you know you don't have to keep checking up on me." 

Darrius was a little irritated that he gets little lone time because his older brother just couldn't take a break for once. Big Dave took a deep breath and looked his brother dead in the eyes.

"Adult or not, I always like to make sure you're doing okay. For all the things that have happened before, you know how important your safety is to me. Do you know how anxious I get when you're out of my sight for too long? I may never know what will happen to you, just like how you literally died from a robotic abomination created by some dickhead who can't control his own emotions. If Liana or Dasher is not there to catch you when you fall, I want to be the only the option you have left. A person whose shoulder you can cry on when things get overwhelming. A shield that could protect you when unexpected danger comes your way, but I can't do that when you're out of my reach. I'm not saying all this to be controlling or manipulative, I really care about you, Darrius. You're little my brother and it is my duty to protect you at all costs, no matter how old you are. Alright?"

Big Dave explained while putting his hand on Darrius's shoulder. All that information made Darrius a little emotional. He hasn't really thought of it that way. He thought Dave was behaving this way to be annoying, but is clearly not the case. "So... You're telling me that.. Just because I'm not nearby makes you extremely nervous?" Darrius asked while trying to prevent himself from crying.

Big Dave nodded to his question in response. "Oh, Big Dave!" Darrius blubbered while hugging his big brother tightly. "Oh, little bro, what're you blubbering about? I didn't think it was that deep." He was a bit taken aback from the sudden outburst, but comforted his brother by hugging back.

"I-I'm sorry. I just- you know how hypersensitive I can get." Darrius sniffled while wiping away his tears. Big Dave chuckled while holding his brother's chin. "I know what'll make you feel better." He said while deviously chuckling. "Really? What's that?" Darrius asked, not aware of what's about to unfold. 

Without warning, Big Dave fluttered his fingers on Darrius's neck. This caused Darrius to quickly recoil and bust out laughing. "Ahahahaha! What the hell was that for?!" He shrieked while covering his neck. "Here comes the tickle monster~!" Big Dave exclaimed excitedly and dug into his brother's armpits, causing Darrius to erupt in roaring laughter. 

"STOHOHOP! THIS IS- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! THEHEHES IS EVIHUHUHUHULL!!! BAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Darrius managed to say between shrieky laughter. It came to the point where he was crying and rolling on the floor. Big Dave decided to give Darrius a break and allowed him to breathe.

To this point, Darrius was gasping for air while remaining on the floor. "Come on, get off the ground, you egghead." Big Dave said and picked his brother up. He held him like you would with a toddler. "Hey, look at me. I want you to remember that I will always love you no matter what. Okay?" Big Dave stared into Darrius's eyes.

Darrius nodded his head quickly and gave his brother a big hug. "I love you, too, Big Dave!" He sighed with comfort. The two brothers hugged for a while until they broke away. "Now, who's hungry for some pizza? I'm starving." Darrius broke the awkward silence. Big Dave chuckled as he walks towards the cafeteria.

"Lemme guess, I'm paying?" Big Dave looked at his brother expectantly. "Yep!" Darrius quickly replied. "Ha. Figures." They both continued to walk away while playfully fisting each other. But hey, what do you expect from brothers? This is what you call brotherly love...

[Chapter End!]

A/N: This chapter was a little short, but oh well. Also, this chapter is canon, by the way. ;)

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