Chapter 1: The Commander and the Criminal

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It was 7:28 in the evening and all seems well. Unless you live near a certain bank of FrogLeap ST., that is... At the start of dusk, that's where the trouble begins. A crime scene is the last scenario you want to be involved in, that's for sure. 

The three troublemakers we're about to watch flee go by the names Scarface, Hook-Lace, and finally, Shaballa. They're pretty notorious for specific crimes they perform. Scarface is gifted with brute force. With this abnormal strength, he uses it to bash in people's skulls if they dare get in the way of his task. 

Hook-Lace, with a hook replacing his left hand, he's very known for his puzzle solving skills. As an all A student in all his classes in school, high intelligence is his gift. And last but not least, the infamous Shaballa with his quick reflexes and attitude. With strength, intelligence and swiftness, the three band together to create the one of the greatest criminals humanity has to face.

Oh, they're great, alright. But not great enough for Liana Longtail. You see, Liana looks like this ordinary military officer with her fluffy ears and abnormally long tail. But you see, she packs more than a few surprises. Can anybody stretch their tails beyond its limits? Have you ever seen a wolf or a regular person in general walk through fire unscathed?

Or even set themselves on fire? I'm pretty sure the answer would most likely be no because nobody has ever seen anything like Liana before. As previously mentioned before, this commander packs a lot of surprises and will be the first to actually defeat the trio of criminals for good.

Unless something happens to prevent the commander from arresting them all... 

~Shaballa's POV~

As the wolf lycanthrope walks through the alleyways, there was a particular thought that never seems to dissipate. This particular thought kept swirling around his head as if it were taunting him. Only one specific question remained throughout the 25 years of Shaballa's miserable life. What exactly am I missing? He thought to himself as he stops walking.

Of all my years of living hell, I could never see myself truly happy no matter what I do. So what am I doing wrong? Shaballa hung his head low as he was on the urge of breaking down. Suddenly, Shaballa heard footsteps behind me with a familiar scent that followed. He whipped around with an aggressive scowl as the figure steps out of the darkness and into the light.

"What's that look for? It's just me." A slightly raspy Texan accent sounded with decent volume. A black wolf lycan was at least four feet away from Shaballa. Her name was also popular in this part of town, the only difference is that she's well respected by most people. She was no other than Liana Longtail.

She looked calm yet tired at the same time, her job was exhausting after all. "What the hell do you want, twig?" Shaballa grumbled. "I only came here to clear my mind, so chill the fuck out. I'm not going to do anything to you." Liana replied with an annoyed sigh. "Now that's an obvious lie. I can see right through you, I know you want to throw me into a cell so I can rot for the rest of my life behind metal bars." 

Shaballa replied with great amounts of sass. "I mean, I would do that now if I had the energy. And besides, you're actually an interesting person to me. Something tells me there's more to you than what others perceive you as. So, what's your story? Why are you like this, Shaballa?" Liana crossed her arms with anticipation.

He was taken back from her request. There was no way she just asked one of the most hated criminals his backstory. Who in the right mind would be interested in hearing a murderer blabber about his past? "Why am I like-(Nervous chuckle) I don't- I don't see how any of that is your concern! Like, why would you ask something that nobody gives a flying fuck about? Stop pretending you care about me cause I know you don't! You hate me like everyone else does, so why does my past matter to you all of the sudden?!"

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