"Hello, good afternoon Mr. Jeons (bowing)" It was the manager of that spacious five Star restaurant who had intrupted them- the moment the manager had known about their arrival he had rushed here to meet the Six,

They talked to the manager for a few minutes more like he did as non of them were interested in the newcomers arrival they had pretty much other interesting thing to focus on at the moment and he was just wasting their time,

While talking to them the managers eyes fell on Taehyung, who was just sitting there looking at them conversing, he was looking so small sitting between the Six Giant Beasts,

It would be nothing but an understatement if a stranger says that Taehyung was beautiful when seeing him, when Taehyung was actually more then just beautiful unknowingly catching the eyes of every person he meets or who sees him,

Although the managers one brow was raised, he was judging some might say seeing him- but he could tell that Taehyung was beautiful his intentions weren't wrong or may be it was otherwise, nevertheless he also thought what such a Beauty was doing with The Six Mafias, his petite figure looking so small with their huge frames,

Taehyung saw the manager looking at him and so did they but he preferred to just look down,

As much as they prefer & like it when they've the complete authority at every single place they go, how people show them respect not uttering a single word without thinking twice, giving them the sense of authority and that knowing who the real in power is, they were really not liking the manager's presence here, specially after he had eyed him even though it was just for a few seconds,

Jungkook : I guess we're sitting here if you could see.

"Y-Yeah, I-I am s-sorry Mr. J-Jeon, my a-apologies.

But the frown never left their sharp features,

Yoongi : Listen, we don't really have anything special to say to you so it would be better if you take your leave Mr. I forgot who were you again.

"Yes, I-It's Lee Mr. J-Jeon its Lee Y-"

Hoseok : Leave.

And the manager was on his way back, it was clear to him that they weren't liking his presence even a bit even more then when he had arrived,

" So how's your University going Taehyung." Hoseok asked sweetly,

The tone being complete opposite to what it was a moment ago,

Tae : Umhmm it's going g-good.

Namjoon : How about your friends then.

Namjoon asked with a glint of something in his eyes that Taehyung couldn't pin point out, it confused him-

Everyone just stared at him waiting for him to answer- Taehyung looked at the others to see the exact same glint in thier eyes too, which confused him- confused him even more,

Tae : Umm w-well about f-friends umm i-

They frowned hearing Taehyung,

Tae : I actually d-don't have any f-friends at University.

He spoke looking down, he didn't mind not having friends even a bit. Though he wished he had some true friends but he was fine without it too at the same time it also seems like he Now had someone who he can call a friend not just a friend but more- and he was very happy & grateful about it too,

As much as he didn't mind not having much or no friends at Uni or anywhere- not feeling embarrassed about it, he was now feeling embarrassed atleast may be a bit-

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