Chapter 8

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“Don’t shhhhhh me. You brought this upon yourself.”

Mile laughs after Apo’s comeback. It is true that he brought himself into this situation. However, it did get him his love, so it wasn't so bad after all. Apo’s carefully taking care of “the wounds” on his inner arms. He uses cotton swabs to absorb medical oil, then rubs the oil gently on them. As usual, the whole class went home already, it was just them enjoying their time together before the sky turned dark.

Mile sits still. He can only see the top of Apo’s head as Apo is busy “treating” his wounds. His mushroom head boyfriend cares about him a lot. He rests his head on his bicep and moves his view to Apo’s fingers and lips. The boy is biting his lower lip while mumbling something under his breath, but his hands are gentle and focus on treating the dark red half-moon wounds scattered on Mile’s inner arms.

Apo takes a deep breath and signs out trying to compose himself. At first, he was hurt to see all of these on Mile. Now, all he can feel is anger. But, he can’t be mad at Mile. It was not the right way or the best way Mile should react to things. However, it was the only way Mile thought of when things turned sideways. If they want to keep this relationship going, they must work on this. It may take a long time, but they have time on their side.

“Mile, can you promise me one thing?”. Apo stops and looks up. He looks directly to Mile’s eyes with all of his courage. Mile can see those caramel color eyes filled with tears and turned pink.

“Yes. Anything you want.” Mile gently uses his thumb to rub on Apo’s cheek.

“Don’t ever pull something like this again. You can always talk to me, you know.”

“I will not do this again. I will take my meds regularly and go back to therapy. I will do anything to make you happy.”

“I will go with you, ok? I will be there with you all the way. We’re partners, right?”. Apo puts down the cotton swab in his hands and holds Mile’s palm. He intertwines their fingers together, holds them tightly to show Mile his determination. He can feel Mile’s palm shakes a bit when the word “partners” comes out. Apo holds their hands tighter and tighter.

“I believe you’re a gift from gods to save me from myself”. Mile chokes up. He wants to kiss Apo so bad, but he cannot afford to scare Apo away. Instead, he takes their holding hands up, gently puts a kiss on Apo’s.

Apo flushes when Mile’s lips are placed on his hand. The sensation runs through his veins, enters his heart and soul. He almost slips out a whimper of satisfaction. Luckily, he could hold it back in the throat. To return Mile’s affection towards him, Apo gathers all of the courage in his body to make the first step to seal, to imprint, to create the first milestone of their relationship.

He pulls their holding hands towards himself to create a levage to lift himself up. Apo slightly sits up, leans forwards, and puts a kiss on Mile’s lips. While he is getting closer, he can see the shock reaction on Mile’s face which suddenly gives him more strength to pull this off.

From the start, it was always Mile who made the first move.

It was always Mile who gave more than received.

It was always Mile who never forced him to do anything.

It’s time to show Mile, he cares too.

Mile stops breathing for a good 2 seconds, he thinks. Apo took the first move to kiss him, taking him by surprise. To be honest, Mile never thinks Apo would do something like that because Apo doesn’t love him. Apo was forced into this relationship by him and Jeff. Apo didn’t have a choice. Therefore, when he saw Apo was getting too close to him and kissed him, he went into shock and stopped functioning.

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