Chapter 4

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"Who the hell think 3PM in a god damn summer day is a great idea for a date?" - Mile complains while eating coconut ice cream.

They met in front of the school then Apo took Mile for a walk on a hot summer day. Mile is wearing his Adidas track suit but he had been in London for too long, Thailand's weather will kill him someday.

"Shut up Mile and eat your ice cream"

"You look funny in this outfit"

"The correct complement is cute. It's Bode. Have a bit of style"

Mile was surprised seeing Apo like this for the first time. He dressed in a green short sleeves T-shirt with a black cat and a short pant with his name embroidered, mix with a bright yellow pair of Converse. He must admit, Apo looks really cute with his casual style. Mile doesn't know he has a side that is cute and baby like this.

Apo keeps swinging his feet happily as he's enjoying his ice cream. He has a soft spot for deserves. Mile's eyes cannot leave Po for a minute as his cuteness keeps drawing him in.

"Why are you keep looking at me?". Po drops of ice cream melt and run down his back hand. He quickly licks it away.

Mile's heart skips a beat seeing Apo's tongue in action. How does it taste? He bets it tastes sweeter than the coconut ice cream they're having. But why does he fantasize about another boy? A boy that he just met around one month and he isnt sure if they like each other. He doesn't feel this way with Jeff. If he likes boys, he should have special bond with Jeff, not him. He and Jeff have much more common grounds and hobbies.

Why Apo Nattawin is special?
Mile doesn't understand.

"I wasn't looking at you. I just found your choice of clothing unique". He brushes the question away.

"Hey, for someone dresses like an old man, you have a lot to talk. Get up, I will take you for a walk".

Apo gets up, swiftly dust his bottom. Mile acts a bit grumpy but inside, he is more than willing to go for a walk with him in this hot weather.
Apo takes Mile to his favorite place to wander around, a lake near their school. With trees along river bank, the weather feels a bit less harsh, they can finally feel relax while wander. The silence between them doesn't feel out of place but gives them some time to let their minds go into a full relaxation state.

Mile takes a glance to Apo. Drops of sweat falling down his face seem to glow as the sun light hits. Suddenly, he feels dry down his throat. He wants to wipe those sweats off his face but he can't. They are not close. And again, he isnt sure if Apo likes him. However, he is sure of one thing, he is not gay. He just has a different feeling towards Apo.

"There is a temple near here. Do you want to go?". Apo asking.


The temple is quite small. They take off their shoes, get incense, and enter main section to show their respect. After praying, both get up at the same time and make merit.

"You know, making merit together means we will meet again in the next life." Mile looks straight to his face.

"You wish." Apo jokingly punches Mile's shoulder.

The "date" ends in a great note. Both of them feel a little bit closer and their relationship can take a step forward as being table mate.


Mile and Apo meets up again at school on Monday. After their "date", both start to talk more and actually help each other about studying. Apo finds out that Mile is actually really smart and good at science subjects such as math. That is the reason why he doesn't have to pay close attention to their teacher. When Apo struggles with them, Mile is always ready help. They even start to stay a bit late after school to do homeworks together.

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