Chapter 9: Superpowered

Start from the beginning

Outside, the cool night air rushed past him as Smokescreen ran far away from Mayhem's lair, his mind reeling from the events that had unfolded. But as he leaped forward, preparing to put as much distance between himself and his tormentor as possible, he was met with a startling revelation.

He was flying.

Shock and disbelief coursed through Smokescreen as he soared through the air, his body moving with an agility and grace he had never known before. It wasn't just super strength that the experimental machine had granted him—it was super agility, flight, and even speed. At first, fear gripped Smokescreen's spark as he struggled to comprehend the extent of his newfound abilities. But as the exhilaration of flight filled him, a sense of excitement and wonder replaced his fear.

For the first time in his life, Smokescreen felt truly alive, empowered by the very thing that was meant to destroy him. With a newfound sense of purpose, he soared into the night sky, ready to embrace his destiny as a hero with powers beyond his wildest dreams. As Smokescreen soared through the night sky, a rush of exhilaration flooded his circuits, his voice carried away by the wind.

"WOO!! Can this be happening?" he exclaimed, his words a mixture of disbelief and euphoria. "I...I can fly! I-I'm just as strong as Bulkhead! The machine... It must've given me superpowers! I...I feel incredible!! WOO-HOO!!!"

His voice echoed across the cityscape, a triumphant cry born from the realization of his newfound abilities. With each passing moment, Smokescreen felt the weight of his past struggles lift from his shoulders, replaced by a sense of freedom and empowerment he had never known. In the darkness of the night, he was no longer bound by the limitations of his former self. He was something more—something extraordinary. As he continued to soar higher and higher, the world below him seemed to shrink away, leaving him with nothing but endless possibilities stretching out before him. With a heart full of hope and determination, Smokescreen embraced his newfound powers, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with unwavering courage and resolve.

For at that moment, he knew that nothing could stand in the way of his destiny as a hero. As Smokescreen touched down on solid ground, the rush of the wind slowly subsided, leaving him standing amidst the quiet darkness of the night. With a sense of purpose burning within him, he reached for his commlink, his fingers deftly navigating the controls as he prepared to make contact with Ultra Magnus.

"Hello? Ultra Magnus? It's me, Smokescreen," he spoke into the device, his voice echoing softly in the stillness of the night. A moment passed before Ultra Magnus's voice crackled through the commlink, filled with concern and relief. "Smokescreen?! Are you alright, soldier? Where are you?" Ultra Magnus's voice held a note of urgency, reflecting the gravity of the situation. Smokescreen couldn't help but grin at the sound of Ultra Magnus's voice, reassurance washing over him like a wave. "I'm better than alright. I don't know where I'm at, but I could really use a ground bridge portal to take me back to base right now."

Ultra Magnus's response was swift and decisive, his authoritative tone cutting through the static with unwavering command. "At ease, Smokescreen. Knockout, Prowl, Perceptor, and I were just about to go on a mission to rescue you from the Decepticons. We'll lock onto your coordinates and bridge you back to our base immediately."

"Thank you, Ultra Magnus, sir," Smokescreen replied gratefully, a sense of relief flooding through him at the thought of returning to the safety of the Autobot base. With Ultra Magnus's orders issued, Knockout swiftly sprang into action, locking onto Smokescreen's coordinates and activating the ground bridge portal. As the swirling vortex of energy materialized before him, Smokescreen wasted no time, his super-speed propelling him forward as he darted towards the portal with determination. In a flash of light, Smokescreen disappeared into the depths of the swirling portal, leaving behind the darkness of the night as he made his way back to the Autobot base in Retoris. Though eager to share his newfound powers with his fellow Autobots, he knew that the time would come for revelation. For now, he focused on the journey ahead, ready to embrace whatever challenges awaited him with courage and conviction.

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