Skye walks into the Sixers camp and Carter stops her on her way. She sighs and gives him the drive.

"This week's intel." She says. "Now let me see her."

He steps to the side, she walks up to her and sees her state.

"She looks worse today." She says frowning.

"We haven't given her the meds in a couple of days." He tells her.

"What? Why?"

"You were late with the intel drop." He shrugs.

"You son of a bitch!" She says.

"You want out of the deal?" Carter says. "Go ahead. Take her back to Terra Nova and watch her die. Which she will, without this. Remember, we're the only ones with a cure. Next time, don't be late." He says and leaves.

Skye walks over to the women in the bed. She sits down beside her and takes her hand.

"Hey. It's me."

"Skye, you're here." The woman says weakly.

"How you doing, Mama?"


Skye and her mother had talked a little, at least the little Deborah managed.

When suddenly there was a shift in her look and Skye tilts her head a little.

"Y/n, you're here." Deborah smiles.

Skye gets a sad look on her face before forcing on a smile and nodding.

"Yeah, mom. I'm here." Skye tell her, pretending to be like she sometimes did with her mother.

Her mother didn't know that you didn't come to see her. Because Skye didn't tell you that your mother was still alive. Mira knew you a little from before the Sixers left, and could tell that you wouldn't do this even if it meant save your mother, you believed in Terra Nova like Taylor did. So she made Skye not include you in it and not reveal they had her mother and was giving her medicine in exchange for her spying for them. She knew that you wouldn't be able to do it.

"How's that boy you mentioned last time?" Deborah ask.

Skye chuckles, she had mentioned that there was a boy when Deborah thought she was you last time. She had talked out Josh but just used Liams name.

"Well, she- uh, I mean, I'm actually dating him now." Skye corrects herself.

"Oh, that's lovely. Are you happy?"

"Yes mom they look, uh, I mean, yes I'm very happy." She tells her, having to correct herself again.

She can't help but look a little sad as she thinks about Josh. She tries to be happy for her friend though.

Deborah coughs hoarsely.

"Mom, they're going to give you more medicine. But I got to get back before I'm missed." Skye tells her.

(Scene with Elisabeth and Jim.)
(Scene with Elisabeth and Skye.)
(Scene with Taylor and Mira.)
(Scene with Skye.)
(Scene with Taylor and Mira.)
(Scene with Jim and Mark.)
(Scene with Elisabeth and Jim.)

Jim fills Liam in on everything and that the mole had destroyed the blood sample before they got any answers.

"The spy is someone who had access to this building. Elisabeth is putting together a list of all medical center employees, the patients and their families who came to visit them. It won't be a short list, but the mole will be on it."

Liam nods.

(Scene with Taylor and Mira.)

"Eighty-four suspects." Jim says, looking at the list.

"Better than a whole colony." Marks says.

"Just got to figure out a way to narrow down this list." Liam says gesturing to the screen from beside his father. His father leans back and rubs his eyes.

"I can narrow it down for you now." Elisabeth says coming in. "I combed through the shards of data what we left. Now, the DNA extraction didn't complete, but it went far enough to tell us you are looking for a female."

"Huh. A woman." Jim says and touch the screen to do it. "Eighty-four names just became.. Forty-seven."

(Scene with Taylor and Mira.)
(Scene with the Shannon's letting Boxer out in the wild. Liam is there.)
(Scene with Jim and Mark.)
(Scene with Taylor and Jim.)
(Scene with Taylor and Skye.)

"So, we still gonna take a walk out to the Memorial Fiels?" Taylor ask.

"Yeah. I hope so." Skye says.

"Good. Alright, let me get myself cleaned up. Go get Y/n and I'll meet you at the main gate in, uh, 15 or 20." He says and she nods.

They stand up to go, but Taylor turn to her again.

"You know, I meant what I said." He says and she frown. "They'd be real proud to see the fine young woman you've become." He reassures her.

Skye looks down trying to force a smile.

"Skye, you got something on your mind?" He asks her.

"No." She smiles and chuckles.

"Alright." He says and goes to get ready.

Skye goes to get you and meet Taylor at the gate for the Memorial Field.

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