Leah Marcos - Part 2

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"Mira played me."

"So hows the mole hunt going, Shannon's? Give me an update." Taylor asks them.

"There was team outside the gates doing some perimeter mine repair from 0630 to about noon. Michelle Toomey and Nhat Trang." Jim reads and gives the device to Liam.

"I know them both. Good, solid citizens. Nothing there."

"Okay. And a Science Devision had somebody out following up on a field study. Took the CSO's rover. Robert Stanley." Liam reads from the list.

"Stanley? Did he go out alone?" Taylor ask and he reads the information again to check.

"Yeah." Liam tells him.

"Let's talk to him." Taylor says.

"Why him?" Jim asks.

"He came in on the Sixth Pilgrimage, but didn't leave with Mira. Only about half of them did. We investigated those who stayed, but we couldn't find any connection to the Sixers. Maybe we missed something with Stanley."


"But i thought we'd been over this." Stanley says.

"Yeah, well, keep going over it till i say otherwise." Taylor tells him.

Liam and Jim were standing close by leaning on the rover.

"I was completing my field study on wax mix. This.." Stanley says holding up a tool.

"I don't care about your field study. Talk to me about the Sixers."

"I don't know anything about the Sixers!" He says.

Another rover drives up to them.

"Well, you made a radio transmission at 1100 hours yesterday. Who were you contacting?"

"The lab. To let them know i was gonna be late."

"Hey, Commander." Malcolm says coming out of his rover. "What brings you out here?"

"Somebody tipped the Sixers off about the girl." Taylor says and Malcom scoffs.

"And you think it was Rob? You can't be serious."

"I thought I'd ask a few questions, yes."

"And, do you have any actual evidence against him, enough to take him into custody?"

"You his lawyer now?"

"Now, funny enough, we don't have any of those around here, do we?" Malcolm says.

"Tread carefully, Malcolm." Taylor warns.

"No, I don't think i will. This is guilt by association. So what if he came over on the Sixth? A lot of people did who have nothing to do with Mira!"

"Like the commander said, we're just asking a few questions. Relax." Jim says walking up to them to try and calm the situation. Liam stays by the car watching, eyeing Stanleys reaction but finds nothing suspicious.

"Yeah, and that's what they said to my father, at the Edinburgh Hearings of 2119. Just asking questions. That's how it starts Jim." He says.

"Get off your high horse, will you, Malcolm?" Taylor says walking back to the rover.

Liam and Jim share a look before Jim goes back to the rover too. Liam glance at Malcolm in thought before getting into the car, and they drive back.

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