Chapter 18: Lucky Day

Start from the beginning

Did they think of him as some kind of charity case?

"Tom, I can't let you do that."

"Oh come on Harry", chimed in Ramon, "don't be like that. You won't get anywhere in life running around like that. See it as a sort of welcoming gift."

"For once I agree with him", said Müller who was wearing a scarf all the way up to his chin despite the warm glow of the torches and candles all around, "if I have to look at those musty rags one more time, my wand might act on it's own and cast a quick incendio."

"Besides, it's not like a new uniform would cost much. Wouldn't be any trouble at all really", grinned Black and snatched Malfoy's plump green apple right out of his hand and bit into it with a satisfying crunch.

The blonde boy retaliated at the personal attack with a flick off his wand, absolutely drenching Black's face in milk and cereal.

He sputtered and choked on the mouthful of apple.

Lestrange sitting beside him just looked on, eyebrow lazily rising higher and higher as Black's face turned increasingly red and he hit his own chest hard.

He didn't move to help.

Instead he casually continued eating his own food and Harry somehow got the faint impression of a king watching his court jester.

Harry looked on in faint concern but didn't really feel like getting up if he was being honest.

However when no one moved to help him after almost another minute passed, Harry started getting up when Benjamin Rose suddenly came into view.

He looked annoyed and hit Black hard on the back without comment.

The piece of apple practically came flying out, hitting a horrified Müller straight on the forehead and Black almost faceslammed into the table from the sheer force of the hit.

Malfoy froze, then his shock morphed into outrage but Rose just cast a silent silencio on him.

"How is it that everytime I come over to your table one of you is actively dying?"

"Makes breakfast more interesting, wouldn't you say?", said Jonathan who looked more than amused at Malfoy's voiceless hissy fit.

"If you say so. Anyways, I just wanted to ask if you want to walk to potions together. I'm assisting today."

"Don't you usually work with professor Rose?", asked Harry.

"Sure but I'm studying to become a potions professor too and she's only qualified to teach defense and history."

"I see.."


Tom continued eating his food in annoyance as Harry and Benjamin continued discussing his training to become a professor.

He liked the boy well enough.

He had a good head on his shoulders and didn't act completely idiotic like most of the other students in the school.

Even before he graduated he had been a responsible and competent sort of guy.

Right now though all those positive opinions flew straight out of the windows as he watched Harry's green eyes light up in interest at what Benjamin was telling him about.

Those eyes should be on him. He should be listening to him. Him, not anyone else.

"My lord, is everything alright", asked Algernon quietly, concern obvious in his voice.

Tom realized that he'd been gripping his fork tight enough for his knuckles to turn white.

He sighed and relaxed his hand, digits aching slightly.

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