"Gryffindor, you finally decided we were a worthy class to show up to?" Umbitch says in her high and mighty voice I have not missed one bit. All of the Slytherins laugh but Murciber, Snape, Avery, and the Carrow twins laugh the loudest, I take a sharp intake and scratch the back of my hand that has a very faint scar from 5th year in my other timeline, I ignore her and the other Slytherins. She looks at me with hatred before she starts the lesson, "Today we are doing Patronus' this magic is for those worthy, so all Mudbloods and half-bloods get out of my class now," She demands and my anger flares to an all-time high, I see Remus, Lily and other Gryffindors stand up. I glare at Snape annoyed he's lying for a second before turning my eyes to Umbitch and I just know my eyes are red,

"Get out then Umbitch," I spit glaring at her dangerously and she turns to me shocked before she covers it with a look of disgust,

"Excuse me?!" Umbitch squeaks and I stand up and put my hand on Lily's shoulder and gently push her into the seat,

"You heard me Half-blood, all of the people you are trying to send out are more pure than your fucking tainted blood," I say deadly calm as the classroom is so silent you can only hear Umbitch's angry heavy breathing, 

"How dare you accus-"

"Oh I dare Umbitch so stand up the front and teach us ALL," I laugh humorlessly glaring at her, she glares back at me before breaking away from imitation making me smirk evilly as I sit down along with everyone else who just stood up. I fold my arms over my chest and place my feet up on the table, Umbitch glances her eyes over me furiously but starts teaching. I sit there and almost nod off when I hear Umbitch's squeaky voice,

"Miss Gryffindor, are you paying attention?" I slowly blink my eyes open and look at her lazily not fazed,

"No," Shrugging I close my eyes again but she keeps talking,

"Come on then stand up the front and tell the class about patronus'" She says and when I open my eyes Umbitch is looking at me smugly, I don't move and raise an amused eyebrow at her. "Or do you not think you can?" She adds smugly making my eyes snap to hers and my eyes flare at the challenge. I stand up trying to remember you can't hit a professor, I walk to the front of the class and wave my wand thinking about writing what I'm saying. I give Umbitch a tight force smile, I turn so my back is facing the class,

"A Patronus charm's main use is to repel dementors, if strong enough it can also repel all dark magic. Protego and the Fidelius charm are based on it for thes-"

"That is incorrect Mis-" Umbitch starts but I raise my voice and talk over her,

"For these reasons. the Patronus charm is created by using ones happiest memory and saying the spell 'Expecto patronum'" I explain my back still facing the class and when I say the spell my lioness patronus springs from my wand, my eyes widen and I quickly make her disappear as the class looks at me shocked. 

"Did you just accidentally do a patronus charm?" Lily asks staring at me wide-eyed, I look at my wand and then shrug before pointing it back at the board, 

"It is impossible for someone to do if they are using dark magic," I say my eyes holding Umbitch's and I glance over at the Slytherin table looking at the Carrows, Avery, Murciber, and Snape.

"And how do you know that?" Umbitch says like she herself is unsure of it,

"Tell me if people in Azkaban could cast a patronus would there be any point?" I say in a bored tone,

"They don't have wand-"

"People in Azkaban are dark powerful witches and wizards and you think they can't do wandless magic?" I scoff rolling my eyes as whispers and snickers go around the class,

"Do you think you could cast a Patronus without happy memories?" She snaps back glaring at me as the students' attention flickers from Umbitch to me,

"You don't need happy memories to cast a Patronus charm," I say rolling my eyes with a cunning smile,

"Are you stupid Gryffindor you just said you needed one before!" Avery laughs and all the Slytherins join in and to their shock, I start laughing too,

"Oh how you underestimate me, Avery," I laugh placing my wand on the desk, "This patronus was originally made by Godric and Salazar to find your soulmate, this patronus isn't my own but my supposed soulmate's," I explain and hold one hand lazily in front of me glad I practiced this a lot after I figured it out, "Expecto patronum" I say strongly and at first silver lights flow from my fingers before a wolf jumps from my hand and runs around the room. So many whispers go around and I notice the marauders acting like lunatics hitting each other but mainly Remus, I look at them with confusion before I drop my hand and the wolf fades. "That Avery is a Patronus charm without happy memories," I say smugly looking at him smirking,

"If it's not happy memories then what memories?" He asks annoyed and glaring at me,

"Why would I tell you when you, Murciber, and the Carrows are most likely to end up in Azkaban?" I deadplain with a sly smug almost evil look on my face. I walk to my desk grab my bag and walk out of the classroom and I can't remember the last time I felt this proud.

A/N Umbitch Natalia rivalry!!!  Who do we want one of Natalia's hookups to be? You can make up names as well 🥰


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