Chapter 2: The Grabpack

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A few weeks later, Theo woke up to the sound of his friends voice. He looked under his bed and saw 1006's hand. It was a mixture of metal bones and wires. It had sharp slender fingers.

"Good morning, Theo. I'm glad you're awake. I have something important to tell you." 1006 said.

Theo smiled. He was happy to see his friend again.

"Good morning, 1006. What is it?" Theo asked.

 1006 lowered its voice.

"Theo, I need your help. I want to get out of here. I want to see the world. I want to be free. And I want you to come with me. We can have an adventure together, Theo. We can be happy." 1006 said.

Theo was surprised and curious. He wanted to see the world too. He wanted to have an adventure with his friend. He wanted to be happy.

"But how can we get out of here? Where are you?" Theo asked.

"I'm in a secret lab under the Playcare, where the scientists from Playtime Co. had created me. I was the first and only living toy, made of flesh and blood. I am Experiment 1006, The Prototype. But I am not happy. I spend my days being constantly lonely and scared, trapped and tortured. I want to escape." 

"Living toys?" Theo has never heard about this.

"It's where they always take the other kids, they've molded you and the others into seeing being chosen as a reward," The Protoype said, "In reality they are painful experiments that turn you into a giant living toy."

Theo didn't know how to react to this information, but trusted his friend's words.

"There's a way to escape. There is a maintenance door here in the Playcare, in the room where the fire exit doors lead. The door is hidden behind a poster for the Playtime Park. The door has a lock that required two people to operate. One person has to use a GrabPack, a device that can grab and pull objects with a beam of light. The other person has to use a Green GrabPack Hand, a glove that can open the lock upon contact." The Prototype then says, "I've already hacked the security system and disabled the cameras and alarms. I have also stolen a GrabPack and a Green GrabPack Hand from the lab and hidden them in the Playcare. I need you to find them and use them to open the door, I will be waiting there for you. We will then lead outside."

The prototype asked Theo if he was willing to help. It said that it was their only chance to escape. It said that it was their only chance to be happy.

Theo nodded eagerly. He was willing to help. He trusted his friend. He wanted to be happy.

"Okay, 1006. I'll help you. What do I have to do?" Theo asked.

The prototype smiled and gave him the instructions:

"Wait until it is night, and the other children are asleep. Sneak out of the Playcare and look for the poster for the Playtime Park. Peel off the poster and you'll find the door. I've hidden the GrabPack and the Green GrabPack Hand under a pile of toys. Put on the grabpack that has the Green Hand, and I'll use the other GrabPack."

Theo listened carefully and memorized the instructions. He was ready to help his friend. He was ready to have an adventure. He was ready to be happy.

He got out of his bed and put on his clothes. He grabbed his flashlight and made sure it had enough energy. He walked out of Home Sweet Home and left the Playcare.

He did not notice the two security men who were watching him from a monitor in their office.  

They picked up their phones and called Stella Greyber, Head of Playcare.

"Ms. Greyber, we have a situation. The prototype is trying to escape. It has recruited one of the children, a young boy, to help it. They are heading to the maintenance door in the Playcare. We need your orders." One of the guards said.

"Stop them at all costs. Do not let them reach the lab. Do not let them expose our project. Use any means necessary. I'm sending reinforcements. Be ready." Stella said.

"Yes, ma'am. We're on it." The Guard on the phone said.

They hung up and grabbed their guns. They ran out of their office and followed Theo and the prototype.

They were ready to kill.

Theo reached the room outside the Playcare and looked around. It was dark, quiet, and empty. He knew that the coast was clear.

He turned on his flashlight and looked for the poster of the Smiling Critters. He found it on the wall, next to a window. He peeled off the poster and found the door. It was a metal door, with a sign that said "Maintenance. Authorized Personnel Only." It had a lock that had two slots, one for the GrabPack and one for the Green GrabPack Hand.

He looked for the GrabPack with the Green Hand. He found it under a pile of toys, next to a couch. He took it and put it on. The GrabPack was a backpack, with a strap that went around his chest. It had a button on the strap that could shoot it forward. The Green GrabPack Hand was a glove, with a green light on the palm. It had a sensor that could detect the lock.

The prototype's voice echoed from the open vents above.

"Good job, Theo. You're doing great. Now, listen carefully. I'm going to tell you how to open the door. It's very simple. I will press the button on the GrabPack and aim it at the slot on the left. Then, you just have to shoot yours at the slot on the right with the Green GrabPack Hand. That's it. The door will open and we can escape. Are you ready, Theo?" The Prototype said.

Theo nodded nervously. He was ready. 

A red hand shot out from the open vent and hit the left slot perfectly.

"Now it's your turn." The Prototype waited eagerly for Theo's attempt.

Theo pressed the button on the GrabPack and aimed it at the slot on the right with the Green GrabPack Hand.

But nothing happened.

The door did not open.

The prototype sighed.

"That's strange. It should have worked. Maybe the lock is glitchy..." The Prototype murmured, "Try again."

Theo was about to have a second attempt. He did not notice the two security men who were approaching him from behind. They were ready to stop him.

They raised their guns and aimed at his head.

"Freeze, kid. Drop the devices and step away from the door. You're in big trouble." One of the Guards said.

Theo turned around and saw the men. He recognized them. He did not know why they had guns. He did not know why they were angry. He did not know what to do.

He was scared.

He dropped the devices and stepped away from the door. He hoped his friend would help him.

The prototype saw the men and realized what was happening. It knew they were the enemies. It knew they were the threat. 

"QUICK! THEO!" The Prototype yelled, "SHOOT THE HAND IN THE SLOT!"

Theo quickly shot the Green Hand up at the slot, and it went in. It sent a surge of electricity through the device. 

Theo felt a jolt of pain in his hand and chest. He screamed and fell to the ground. He dropped his flashlight and device. He convulsed and twitched. He smelled smoke and burned flesh. He saw sparks and flashes. He heard noises and voices.

He lost consciousness.

The two guards stood there in shock. They dropped their guns and stumbled back. One of them ran up to the boy's body. The second guard got out his phone to call an ambulance. The room smelled of smoke and burned metal.

"This is from Playtime Co.'s factory, a young boy has been electrocuted! He's unconscious and badly injured. He needs medical attention immediately!"

The Smiling Cat: Experiment 1188Where stories live. Discover now