2/11/24 || upcoming website + some yapping

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I've changed my tail 2 times and I keep not liking the ones I choose after obsessing over them so I'm gonna look for different ones. I think the colors and flukes are what I don't like. I'm not sure though.

I spent a lot of time thinking recently and I want my tail to be H2O and Mako Mermaids based. not the exact same but somewhat like their tails. ESPECIALLY the fluke. Their flukes are so pretty <3

Every time I see them I get so motivated. I've been thinking about making a website (YES A WEBSITE) where I add all the mermaid info i have gathered to make the research and fantasy shift a bit easier. My sources would mostly be Amino because that's where I got most of my information. Plus the mermaid-dreamers Weebly.

It's gonna be a really shitty website but I'll make it work, won't be as good as the mermaid dreamers one but who cares. As long as there's shifting information. I'll add the link to it in future entries maybe, and I hope that I'm able to help beginners with their shifts and help them achieve their mermaid/merman dreams. I probably won't have ALL the answers to a lot of questions but I will be able to answer some from what I know. Everything will be in my own words (most likely) and I'll try to add a lot of pictures just so that it isn't boring. 

I'm probably gonna use Weebly or like a free website maker (I don't have any money to pay for anything.) I wanna get a summer job though since summer is coming up in like 4 months.

i didn't do my usual yapping but this works. 

Everytime I see a mermaid in a lake or river (in videos) I always randomly say "that's gonna be me real soon" and it's so motivating

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