Using 'lie' and 'lay'

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What are intransitive and transitive verbs? Pt2

The verbs lie and lay are particularly confusing. Lie means "to recline and place oneself down, or to remain." Lie is intransitive (it cannot be followed by an object). Lay means "to put something down." Lay is transitive (it must be followed by an object).  The best advice is to memorize them.

Comparing intransitive and transitive verbs

Using lie and lay (note: lay is both the past tense of lie and the present-tense simple form of lay.)

SIMPLE FORM: lie and lay

-S FORM: lies and lays

PAST TENSE: lay and laid

PRESENT PARTICIPLE: lying and laying

PAST PARTICIPLE: lain and laid

Intransitive Forms

Present tense: The hikers lie down to rest.

Past tense: The hikers lay down to rest.

Transitive Forms

Present tense: The hikers lay their backpacks on a rock. [Backpacks is a direct object.]

Past tense: The hikers laid their backpacks on a rock. [Backpacks is a direct object.]


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