>Random Question about TTTD [A/N Thingy]<

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Date: February 11, 2024

Just a quick question: Does anyone remember "Tony the Temporary Dad" by any chance? Or am I the only one that thinks about it from time to time?

The thing is, I didn't have tumblar at the time it was being created, so I don't know the full story. The person who was dubbing it said that it was removed off of the platform (if I'm getting that correct). I've always wanted to see more of it, and from time to time, I find little bits of it on Pintrest.

Currently, I wanna make my own version, but I don't wanna take ideas without the creators permission. However, I still want to read the real thing.

So, if anyone has any archives or info or anything about TTTD, please drop a comment, it's an interesting thing that I've been wanting to archive and make my own version of for a while now.

Sorry for the random thing, just wanna open a discussion about the silly lil comic lol.

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