Chapter 1: A firecracker!

Start from the beginning

Yeah, so no regrets...I guess.

The 6'3 angry guy, stepped closer and leaned down. Towering my 5'8 height, he spoke.

"Consider yourself lucky that I happen to like that face of yours or else I would've ruined it" He said.

"And trust me, I'm still debating on that" He added and me being me, I just couldn't hold back my smart mouth and said.

"And if my father was here right now and heard you say that, he wouldn't have just ruined your face, he would have ruined your entire existence" I replied folding my hands over my chest and leaning forward.

"Scar, I'll..." Pointing a finger at me, he spoke, only to be interrupted by the soft, familiar voice of my twin.

"What the hell is going on here?" My twin sister, Charlotte, asked walking upto us, panicked.

"My goodness! Denis, why is your nose bleeding?" She questioned while slapping her hands over her mouth, shock and concern clouding her beautiful features.

Well that's my twin sister for you, always panicking and worrying over the tiniest issues in the world. God! I can't believe she's even worried and concerned for this jock standing with a bleeding nose before us...she's really something and I can't help but think that given this nature of hers, one day she might have a heart attack, over the problems that shouldn't even concern her in the first place.

"Are you okay? Denis" Charlotte asked, softly.

"Ask your sister!" He snapped.

"How come you are so sweet, so sensitive..." He paused before snapping his head from her to me, glaring at me.

"And she's the complete opposite of you...a firecracker!" He continued.

"I wish I had fallen for you instead of her" He said looking at Charlotte before looking back at me and uttering the last word with hatred and disgust almost.

"Are you sure, you're both sisters? Like same blood and stuff?" He asked sarcastically.

"Why? Jerk! Isn't the fact that we look exactly the same, well except for the hair, enough for you to know that we are sisters?" I asked back, with equal sarcasm.

"Look, we have the same face, don't we?" I said while leaning my face sideways closer to Charlotte's and pointing at both of our faces.

"I mean that's the whole concept of twins, isn't it?" I added before Charlotte pushed me off, away from her.

"Scar, he's talking about same blood, not same face" Charlotte said using her big brains before looking at Denis, who looked at her confused.

"Yeah, Denis, we have the same blood running in our veins, we are biological sisters, but I don't understand, why would you wanna know that?" Charlotte asked, curiously as Denis looked at her in disbelief with his mouth agape. He's probably wondering 'what is this girl!?'.

Yeah, Denis, I wonder that too, man, all the time, I thought to myself while glancing at Charlotte.

"But anyways, who did that to you?" Charlotte asked a moment later while pointing at his nose innocently, still not getting it.

"Are you serious right now!?" Denis asked, shaking his head before glaring at me, fuming as Charlotte looked at me for a moment before looking back at Denis and her eyes widen as her brain finally processed what the hell was going on here.

"What?" Charlotte mumbled and I could tell that she was about to freak out!


"Oh. My. God! Scarlett!" She sanpped at me, placing a hand on her forehead, which seemed to be sweating now.

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