He sensed power from her—immense power. Such power made him falter, something he never did when it concerned that man's wishes.

    But now there was her.

    "I cannot kill her... but her companions can. To be able to die while dreaming or to stay in an eternal sleep... ah, how wonderful. Just how lucky are they?" He smiled, his red-tinted dark hair fluttering in the wind from how fast the train was running. "It doesn't matter how powerful an individual is... a human's driving force is the heart, the spirit!" Just as the words left his lips, his hand ran up the car and connected with his wrist, the eyes disappearing as he then spread his arms in a grand gesture to continue, "All you have to do is destroy the spiritual core! You can kill them just like that! All human hearts are the same... so fragile and weak, like glasswork."

    His smile then disappeared.

    But if she breaks my spell... if she alerts those humans...

    Why is she even traveling with them?

    She's a demon, isn't she?

    Why travel with an obviously inferior species when she is better than them in every way?

    Straightening the collar of the suit that he wore—the black jacket extending a little past his striped pants—as he widened his stance, he closed his eyes as he imagined (Y/N) again. From her sleeping visage to the power that practically pulsed from her form hidden ever so subtlety by a veil of weakness, the demon found her intriguing.

    What dream is she having?

    What have I given her?

    His eyes moved under his eyelids.

    Who are you, demon?

    In only a moment, he had entered (Y/N)'s dreamscape, the villagers around him ignoring him as if he didn't exist whilst trying to find the other demon. It didn't take long, as all of the dreams that he put people under had a specific end, with the dreamer being in the center. He had never killed a demon with his art before, so this would be a first. He wanted to know, because he needed to challenge one of the Upper Moon Demons and defeat them lest he wanted to be a Lower Moon for all eternity until he was killed. Flicking his almost electric blue eyes around the town, he stopped when a slight pulsing aura could be seen around one of the children running around.

    There she is.

    Though she is now a child.

    Ah... what a sweet, poor and innocent child... a beautiful dream it is indeed.

    Letting a smile grace his features, wondering if he had made a mistake in thinking that what he saw in (Y/N) was strength, he then froze when her eyes locked with his, the (E/C) hues burning with a type of resilience that made him falter.

    She... can sense me?


    No one before has been able to do that before, so... does that mean I was right?

    The demon flinched when (Y/N)'s child-form left the young boy that she was accompanying to run up and stop just a few feet away from him, that threatening look in her eyes gone to be replaced with a glimmer of innocence only seen in youth. With a soft and relaxing smile, she handed him a blue flower equal that to his eyes. He was puzzled—confused as to why she didn't run from his appearance nor the malice that he obviously displayed for her.

    She then poked at his hand, specifically the kanji inked on his skin.

    "It says 'dream,'" he spoke, theorizing that her knowledge had deteriorated to that of when she was but a child again, her dirty clothing a hint as to the kind of life she grew up in.

    "Oh... are we in a dream right now?" She asked innocently with a tilt of her head.

    Those few simple words were enough to make the demon immediately jump away from her as if he had been burned, the flower she had given him now crumpled on the ground. She stared at it, saddened, but didn't make any move, the demon's muscles tensed in case she did try something.

    This woman...

    His eyes narrowed to sharpened slits.

    Just how powerful is she?

    Just how powerful is she?

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► (Y/N)'s happiest memories are from when she was a human child, so it is only natural for her dreams to reflect that time

► (Y/N) subconsciously knew that a demon had invaded her mind, yet she so desperately wished for her memories to be real that she chose to ignore that danger altogether

► (Y/N) didn't understand why the demon had invaded her dream, but she theorized it had something to do with the fact that she was also a demon as well

► (Y/N) didn't understand why the demon had invaded her dream, but she theorized it had something to do with the fact that she was also a demon as well

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