Chapter one - The taking

Start from the beginning

-Wow! – My wide eyes got even wider at her affirmation, Marcella was the biggest romantic that I knew, always hopping the moon goddess would bless her with a handsome, strong and loving mate, so for her to be proclaiming that she was so in love with Logan that she was willing to make him her chosen, was a very big deal.

-I know, I know... - she said grabbing my cold hands on her warm ones – But he makes me feel so incredible... like I'm amazing, the prettiest girl in the pack.

I scoffed a little since that wasn't hard, Marcella was, in fact, the prettiest girl in any of the packs around, but I still smiled, happy to see my best friend glowing.

-Well, I'm happy he treats you well, but please do remind him that if he breaks your heart, I break his fingers.

Her green eyes rolled at my promise, but she smiled and hugged me tightly.

-I'm afraid there will be no need for broken fingers, I just know it.

Her smile in that moment was so genuine and peaceful that I believed her.

-Well, I'm really glad for you, Mar.

I smiled back at my friend and laughed as she squealed for the second time, incapable of containing her happiness.

We talked for a while as we filled our buckets of water, taking our time, and she told me every detail of their stroll, till how the goodnight kiss made her transcend her existence for a second. I laughed, almost a bark at her description, always the romantic.

By the time we crossed the top of the hill, carrying our buckets of water, the sun had been fully up for a while, and the pack was completely awake, people walking around and talking, carrying food and various supplies, pups running and laughing while their parents kept yelling for them to get back home, out of the cold.

I smiled, enjoying the energy of the morning, when we started to descend the hill, as Marcella talked animatedly about some detail of her date, her foot got caught on her long skirt and she tripped, heading for the ground with her buckets of water. I tried to grab her but wasn't fast enough. In the blink of an eye a strong arm was around her waist, supporting her, Logan held her close, while balancing the pole with the buckets of water perfectly in his other hand, barely spilling a drop.

I blinked, not understanding how he materialized out of nowhere and saved the day like a knight in shining armor. But then I remembered, he already had his wolf, which gave him the strength and speed.

-Nice save Logan!

I said genuinely impressed.

-Thanks Diana – he said, not even taking his blue eyes off my wide-eyed enamored friend – You need to be careful, gorgeous, why don't I carry this down for you?

I lightly rolled my eyes and smiled when Marcella nodded her head unable to formulate words, with their attention completely at each other I resumed my descent from the hill, carrying my own two buckets of water balanced on the pole on my back. When I finally reached the foot of the hill I was almost ran over by the children running around.

-Careful pups! – I yelled.

-Sorry Diana! – they yelled back in unison, not slowing down at all. With another laugh I kept walking, greeting everyone I passed, the perks of living in a small pack, knowing everyone.

When I reached the door to our small cottage, I heard the noises of people moving around inside. I entered, bringing in the cold air, my mother, standing by the wood oven shivered.

-Ough, child, come in, come in quick! – she pulled me in by my cape and closed the door behind me, unlike most werewolves, my mom was always chilly in winter – Let me help get these off you.

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