Chapter twelve: Baji Keisuke

Start from the beginning

Thankfully, Keisuke only chuckled and shook his head, pulling me along with him.

I loved that park so much. It was mostly empty and abandoned, but the reason I loved it so much was because of that. It was like a small tunnel, the tree's branches tangling together and creating an arc above us. The benches looked like the ground had swallowed them and they had overgrown. It helped me relax and my thoughts trailed elsewhere. Keisuke knew how much I loved this place. Our hands together, the peaceful atmosphere around us, those are moments I truly enjoyed.

Finally, we reached our place. The small abandoned fountain had almost crumbled. The sculpture of a goldfish that was supposed to be on top of the colon in the middle had now fallen down in the small pool of green water. It was quite disgusting to be honest. The way the water looked more like green goo than actual water. But it was special to me. Because that was the place where me and Keisuke met. I was around...six years old? He was seven. I still remember how ridiculous it was...

(I'm gonna take you in the past for a bit now😆)

Sitting on the corner of the fountain, I was crying and crying. Rin had gotten so mad at me, he left me here. Well, I know he was probably just outside the park but I was determined to stay here. Holding in my hands the small body of the dead frog. Ew, I know. But that was my frog. He was special to me. I called him Franklin and he was my best friend. But well, somehow a boy from my class, Kuroo found out about it and he decided it would be super cool to run over Franklin with his bike. When I threw a tantrum and refused to leave the park, the teacher called Ran. Since Ran had work, he send Rin. And Rin stayed here with me for at least three hours, trying to convince me to leave but I didn't budge. He got so angry at some point that he decided he had to leave or he'll beat me up and then regret it.

So here I am, crying my eyes out and holding Franklin in my hand.

"What ya got there?" I heard a boyish voice called out, making me startled as I jumped in surprise, toppling over on the ground

I groaned from the fall, pouting a bit. I opened my eyes, squinting them when the sunlight hit them. Then someone leaned over me, creating a shadow.

"You okay?" The same boyish voice asked.

I blinked a couple of times, trying to focus my vision. Once I did, I studied the boy that was leaning over me. He was certainly a lot taller than me. Grinning down at me, I could see his fangs. Strange. Was he a vampire or something? Then my eyes shifted to study his. His black eyelashes creating a curtain of shadow over his chestnut brown eyes. His hair was black, the same color as his eyelashes. It looked so soft...

"Can you even talk?." The boy's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, I sat up.

"Oof." I scoffed softly when my forehead hit his and the boy stumbled back, both of us rubbing our heads. "Sorry." I was quick to mutter, not wanting to upset him.

It seems like he noticed that because he gave a small shrug. "Don't worry about it."

He studied me carefully, his head titled in curiosity. "What are you holding?"

His question made me narrow my eyes suspiciously and clinch Franklin to my chest protectively.

"My best friend...I won't let you hurt him!" I exclaimed determinedly, even though I was scared.

"I don't wanna hurt him though." That question left me dumbfounded as I titled my own head in confusion.

"Huh? You don't? Really?"

"Really." The boy gave me a nod. "I just wanna see him."

I hesitated for a bit before slowly opening my hand and revealing the bloody and squished body of my frog. (Ikkk ewww. I'm sorry.😭)

"Ewww. Isn't he dead?" The boy grimaced, backing off from me.

"Yes but...I'm not gonna ever leave me. He's my only friend!"

The boy's eyes widened and he blinked a couple of times. "He's your only friend? Really?" I nodded softy, a bit embarrassed by that fact.

"Well then..." He paused as if thinking about something. "How about I become your friend and I help you bury you old one? Hm?"

My eyes widened. The offer did sound tempting. I'll get a real friend and I won't have to hold the dead frog in my hand and feel its insides. I hesitated for a moment before nodding reluctantly. "Okay..."

"Great!" The boy smirked before turning around and looking at our surroundings. "Okay, so where do you wanna bury h- wait, What's your name?" He turned towards me and quirked an eyebrow.

"Um..." I hesitated for a bit, knowing how strict Ran was about talking to strangers but my intuition told me to trust the boy so I did. "I'm Y/n. What about you?"

He  flashed me a bright grin, pumping his fist up. "Baji Keisuske!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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