Chapter Nine: It's love for sure

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Author's note: Hello again! I haven't bee posting in a while. I have two tests tomorrow, I'm not really gonna study, lol. Probably gonna fail anyways. I hope y'all are doing good aaaand let's get to the chapter. It's probably gonna be random but I hope you enjoy it.

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Y/n POV:

"Want some?" I asked, passing the can of Sprite I just opened to Alex.

"No thanks." He replied nonchalantly with a small shrug. I just nodded, walking straight ahead as we walked.

We just finished ice skating practice. Let's say that since last night things with Alex have been awkward. I could sense his disappointment and I wanted to cheer him up but I just kept my mouth shut. We walked silently until we reached the bus station. The sky was full of grey clouds, the weather was a bit colder than usual, with a slightly chilly breeze. When we got to the bus station, I spun on my heels, facing Alex.

"So, I guess we part ways from here? See ya?" I asked sheepishly, trying to ignore the tension between us. Alex just shrugged and nodded, keeping his eyes on the ground. He did that when he was overthinking.

"Yea..." He mumbled finally, just enough for only me to hear, and he looked up at me, my eyes meeting his. Crab, now I feel bad. I winced a bit at myself. I need to find an excuse to why I don't wanna participate in the competition. Alex turned around and started walking away. Now I felt guilty and bad. I couldn't let that slide without saying anything.

"Alex!" I called out after him, running to follow him. I knew he wouldn't turn around, so instead I jumped on his back, clinging tightly onto him and earning a yelp from him as he stumbled.

"I'm sorry." I blurted out when he regained his composure.

"Huh?" He retorted, glancing on him as he turned his head. A couple of seconds passed and Alex let out an amused chuckle.

"Y/n, I'm not mad at you. I was just thinking about what reasons you may have to not want to come to the competition." Alex said, pulling me off him and turning to face me with a bright grin. I gave him back a sheepish smile.

"I can't tell you that buuut, I promise I will someday." I replied, trying to make it sound less bad since I still hadn't found an excuse. Alex just chuckled and shook his head.

"Okay, I'll get going. See you later, dummy." He said and turned around again. He called me dummy. That's good. He isn't mad.

"Bye, Alex!" I yelled happily, waving my hands like some kind of a freak. Thank god there weren't many people around because of the weather.

After that, I happily skipped down the street until I reached a small store. I went inside and bought my favorite chips and some more sprite since I drank it all while walking with Alex. I decided to take a small walk down the street and look around. Then I sat at a bench in the park and opened my phone. I started reading some fanfics. I haven't done that in a long time. It's nice to do it again. A small water drop fell on my nose.

"Huh?" I looked up, at the sky. It had started raining. Crab. I'm dead. Except if Ran was thoughtful enough to sneak an umbrella in my bag.

I quickly opened my bag, searching through it. Great, He did pull an umbrella inside. I've gotta thank him later.

I opened the umbrella, letting it rest against my shoulder as I continued reading my wattpad fanfics.

"Baji-san!" A voice called out. My eyes widened. I know this voice!

"Chifuyu!" I exclaimed happily, and the blonde bun of sunshine turned to me in surprise. He was soaked. Not a surprise.

"Y/n-" Chifuyu started, but was cut off when I yelped. Why did I yelp? Because a pair of hands lifted me up.

"Keisuke!" I beamed at my boyfriend that was currently holding me over his shoulder, like a sack of potatoes.

"Hello Y/n." He chuckled. My god, I was starting to fangirl. My boyfriend was carrying me, and his voice...I almost squealed, getting lost in my fangirling.

"Hi- wait a're drenched! You're gonna make me wet too!" I exclaimed, quickly jumping off him, earning a small laugh from Chifuyu and a smirk from Keisuke.

"You don't mind, do you?" He teased, making me huff and shake my head. But I didn't resist it when he pulled me closer to him by the wrist.

"What are you doing here Y/n?" Chifuyu was the first one to strike up a conversation.

"Oh, I has skating practice with Alex and then I just decided to take a walk and relax a bit." I replied, all the while holding the umbrella up for the three of us. It was easy to fit since the umbrella was big and I was close to Keisuke.

"Alex? He's back?" Keisuke joined in, raising a brow at me in curiosity. He took the umbrella from me, holding it over the tree of us since he was taller.

"Mhm. Yesterday." I nodded.

"Alex is?" Chifuyu asked, titling his head. And I realized Chifuyu and Alex never met. Too bad. They would have gotten along quite well.

"My skating partner" I replied

"Oh, so you don't skate alone? And do you like, have the same teacher with that Alex guy?"

"It's a coach, Chifuyu, not a teacher." I corrected with a small giggle. "And, yeah, we do have the same coach."

"Right..." Chifuyu chuckled sheepishly.

I looked up, noticing that Keisuke was silent for a while, which was quite unusual for him. I saw him just staring at me with small grin. I raised a brow at him, silently asking him why he was staring at me like that. He just let out a small chuckle, giving the umbrella to Chifuyu who looked just as confused as me, if not more. Keisuke wrapped his arm around my waist, the other one around my head as he pulled me closer to his chest, and he rested his chin on top of my head. My arms instinctively wrapped around his ribs and I signed in content. We hadn't been that close in a while. I missed it. I missed him. I felt tears prick my eyes. God, why do I have to be so emotional?...But I couldn't help it. I care about him so much. Heck, I love him. Yeah, It's love for sure.

(A/n: Our man is back in the game! I decided it was kinda unfair that I have written nine chapters and Baji is in only one of them so here ya go. I'm not really sure how Baji will be in a relationship, but I honestly see him to be more gentle and caring with his lover than with how he's with other people. If there's somewhere you think he would act a different way, please correct me and I'll try my best to change it to your liking. Btw, it's 5 am and I have school starting at 7:30. I'm absolutely dead but, oh well. I wish yall the best, and see you in the next chapter!)

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