Just a random chapter

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(A/n-Okay so I'm on a summer academy. And we have three lessons every day. The lessons are a hour and a half. And there were, like, ten minutes left and I was super bored. So I just wrote something random and decided to share it with you. So this chapter is separate from the original story. It's just something that popped in my mind.)

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(Just a random song that I like.)

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I proved myself wrong. Again. I though nothing could change the way things are. Or were. A stupid thought, really. Life is like a roller coaster. Filled with bad parts, fear and tough times. But if you get through your fears you can discover how fun it is. There are, and were people coming out of my life. Some of them stayed. Some didn't. Truthfully, I can tell you that there were some people I wanted to stay but they didn't. Or couldn't. Because...not everything you wish for becomes reality. When I was young, the thing that fascinated me the most was love. Because I never truly understood it. I still don't. Even after everything. It's unbelievable how things change in life. One day, you have everything. And then because of one moment, minute or even second everything can turn upside down. My whole life I was lucky. My parents were rich, they loved me, I had everything, I was dating the most popular boy in school and we were madly in love. But was that enough? It was. As strange as it sounds that was everything I wanted. I had no dreams. No goals but this. Even after I got married to my boyfriend from high school. Even when we had our son. It was all I needed. All I need. And for some years everything was perfect. But let me repeat my first sentences. I proved myself wrong. Gain. I thought nothing could change the way things are. But that was just a false dream. And I realized that when the doctor walked towards me after operation, and told me that my husband is dead.

Slipping through my fingers- Keisuke Baji X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now