"Somebody please tell me what's going on here."

"Yeah, you have a parasite growing inside you." You tell him, unimpressed with his actions. "Say hello to your new friend." You say holding up the tablet showing him the image of the parasite.

(Scene with Jim and Zoe.)
(Scene with Maddy and Mark.)

Liam had been with Taylor and Wash when they suddenly hear rumbling and they run out and see the meteor.

"Meteor. It's burning up, but it's coming in fast."

The meteor explodes when it reaches the atmosphere and all the electronics crackle around them.

You were just about to begin surgery when the tool you had in hand started to crackle and the lights went out.

"The chem lights are coming up." A nurse says.

"What's going on?" Elisabeth asks coming up to you.

"I'm not sure." You tell her.

Up with Liam, Taylor and Wash, he looks down at his gun.

"Damn thing kicked out some kind of EMP." Taylor says holding his electric binoculars.

A part of the meteor hit not too far away and the blow rumbles more afterwards as if coming toward them.

"Sonic wave." Taylor says. "Sonic wave!" He then shouts in warning.

Liam turn to him with wide eyes and looks down at the people in the market.

"Everybody down!" Wash yells.

"Get down! Heads down!" Taylor shouts. "Take cover! Wash, Liam, get in there!" He says and Liam follows Wash.

They jump down on th ground in cover as the wave hits.

You cover Skye as the wave hits and the glass window shatters beside you and cuts you a little. Standing back up straight you look at Elisabeth, who looks at you with wide eyes. You check Skye and find her unharmed, she looks at you and touch your cut slightly and you hiss she looks at you apologetically.

"It's okay. I'm okay." You reassure her.

Liam is immediately back on his feet and runs out the room. Taylor and Wash look at the damage around the room and then at each other.

Once Liam reaches the clinic he burst through the already broken door from the wave.

"Y/n! Mom!" He shouts and his mother turns to him. He sees her and run to her. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, yes. I'm okay." She says then points to you further into the room.

He runs over to you and turns you to him making you jump slightly at the sudden action. He checks you over for any damage and find the cuts, you pull your hand away from him slightly.

"It's okay, Liam. I'm fine." You tell him and he gives you a quick glare to let him look at the wounds. You chuckle and let him.

"Get that fixed before you do anything." He orders you and you smirk and raise an eyebrow at him. "Please." He then adds with a sigh.

You nod to him, then lean up and kiss his cheek. He smiles down at you before reluctantly leaving to get back to Taylor.

More people starts coming in and you have to tend to them.

(Scene with Taylor and Wash talking to the soldiers. But imagine Liam standing there with them.)
(Scene with Elisabeth, Skye and hunter. But replace Elisabeth with Y/n. Elisabeth is on another surgery or something.)
(Scene with Jim and Zoe.)
(Scene with Maddy and Mark.)
(Scene with Taylor and Wash. Liam is with them.)
(Scene with Taylor and Boylan. Replace wash with Liam.)
(Scene with Jim and Zoe.)
(Scene with Elisabeth, Skye and Hunter. But replace Elisabeth with Y/n.)
(Scene with the Sixers.)
(Scene with Taylor and Wash. But add Liam. He's just basically working beside Taylor in this episode.)
(Scene with Maddy and Mark.)

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