The Pure Consort

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Being alone was far better than feeling alone for sure, at least that's how Atsume felt ever since she was brought to the imperial palace.
She didn't belong here nor did she want to
Be here, but it was far better than being married to a man older than her dad at just 13.
But the long halls of the Quartz Pavilion scared her at night and she couldn't sleep, it was like she could hear whispers everywhere around her room and it made her terrified.
During the day it wasn't any better.
Her ladies in waiting were acting strange all the time around her and she had no one to talk to at all.
She did know that she had to be smart to
Survive here but she still found herself thinking about playing and missing the comfort of her home and how she would run around with her friends and laugh all day.
And she couldn't really understand the language being spoken here either.
She did know a few basic things but she was still studying it and it wasn't the easiest.

"Pure Consort Atsume, The Imperial Precious Consort Tzuyu has entered the pavilion's courtyard." Haewon, the head lady in waiting announced in Not so good japanese, but the girl understood and stood up quickly, ready to greet the High Consort, but once the doors to the main chamber were opened by eunuchs , revealing the consort , Atsume was both mesmerized and absolutely intimidated by her presence.
She was tall, wearing a royal blue attire with Diamond encrusted jewels decorating her elegant hairstyle, ears and her slender neck.
Her long black hair reached her lower back and her features were absolutely breathtaking.
Atsume complete forgot what to do or how to speak in the presence of such nobility.
"I'm glad we finally meet Pure Consort Atsume." Tzuyu's voice was melodious and calm making the young girl get back to her senses quickly before she bowed, since Tzuyu was older and much higher in rank.
"I-it's a honor Imperial Precious Consort!" The young girl stuttered before standing up straight and peaking nervously at the older woman as she held her head low.
"You may leave now." Tzuyu instructed her and Atsume's ladies in waiting , only keeping the head maids around to serve them tea.

"I don't wish to offend you, but I have heard you struggle a bit with the language , so I took it upon myself to appoint a very good teacher for you, she helped me learn as well." Tzuyu said kindly as she smiled reassuringly at the young girl who subconsciously fumbled with the sleeve of her pure white attire.
It was the first time she meets with Tzuyu  so  being nervous in her presence was an understatement.
"T-thank you.. Precious Consort T-Tzuyu.." Atsume said in a hushed tone, eyes not daring to meet Tzuyu's, who smiled softly as she looked at the girl.
She was just a child, she was lost and lonely in a place so cruel. Tzuyu couldn't help but feel bad for her and see a bit of herself in Atsume.
She was lost as well when she came but gladly she was much older and she had her ladies in waiting and Nayeon to guide her, but this girl had no one.
She didn't even meet the empress yet since Nayeon wanted to make it clear that this little girl was not a concubine in absolutely no way and will never be.
"Your highnesses.. the Virtuous Consort Sana had entered the Quartz Pavilion." One of the maids announced before walking back out of the room before the doors opened not so long after and revealed the consort in all her glory.
If Atsume was shocked when she saw Tzuyu, although she has spotted the consort from afar beforehand,her shock seeing Sana now for the very first time was understandable.
She heard rumors about the Virtuous Consort before many times since she was one of the biggest reasons their kingdom was prospering now.
Ever since Minatozaki Sana, as she was previously called became the Virtuous Consort of the Im dynasty's current ruler. The empress made sure to take care of the red haired woman's home country that she cherished so so much.
The rumors about her bright red hair were the most known ones tho, everyone was curious if that was actually true or just a lie, and if it was true everyone wanted to know how such thing could be possible.
Many said that she was a witch , a very beautiful one that could bewitch whoever looked into her eyes, others said she was a kitsune , a breathtakingly gorgeous one that stole the souls of those that wronged her after burning them down.
So Atsume was pretty afraid of the consort, but now that she saw her up close she could confirm that the rumors about her unique hair and beauty were in fact true.
Her attire was much different from Tzuyu's, it was bright red and instead of silver and diamond jewelry , she wore gold and ruby.
In contrast to The Precious Consort's soft and elegant features, The Virtuous Consort's were much sharper, but equally as elegant and beautiful but in a different way.
Tzuyu was beautiful like the moon on the starlit sky, her presence was calming but so alluring, full of mysteries just like the night, but Sana was the opposite, she was radiating with beauty just like the sun and her presence seemed to light up the whole room.

"I hope I didn't arrive to late." Sana said firmly but kindly and Atsume quickly bowed to her as Sana did the same to her and Tzuyu who greeted the red haired woman with a small smile to which Sana didn't respond to Tzuyu's dissatisfaction .

"Y-You arrived just in time Virtuous Consort Sana.." Atsume Said in broken Korean making the two older women smile , already melting at her cuteness.
"You may speak in Japanese with us Consort Atsume, the Imperial Consort knows
The language if it was that one of your worries. Sana said, making the small girl look up to
Meet her gaze that was now looking at Atsume with such fondness, before the girl's eyes met Tzuyu's, who then gave her a small reassuring nod followed by a soft smile.

"I- I'm afraid I won't be making any improvements in my Korean if I don't try to have conversations.." the girl voiced out her worries making Sana hum before she smiled at the girl brightly.
"Do not worry about that, no one came here knowing the language, I'll make sure to help you get accustomed with the inner court and your duties, but first, let's make some changes with these ladies in waiting you have."

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