Quiet nights

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The rear palace was the home of many rumors, some were proven to be real , some not.
So those about the new Pure Consort that has occupied the Quartz Pavilion started spreading around faster than birds flying to south when autumn comes.
Everyone knew she was young , very young and that she wasn't much of a consort at all since the Empress only brought her in to save her from being married off to a old politician.
She was the daughter of a merchant from the north, just like The Virtuous consort Sana, so naturally many started comparing the two, even going as far as saying they looked alike.
Such rumors reached the Diamond pavilion at the speed of light and Tzuyu couldn't help but laugh upon hearing them.

"Imagine her face when she will hear this!"Tzuyu said, wiping tears she shed while laughing so hard just from imagining how upset Sana will be at the new competition.

"The Virtuous Consort is a bit.. short tempered, the safety of the new Pure consort might be at risk.." Elkie mumbled, earning a pointed glare from Tzuyu
"She might be short tempered but she wouldn't go as far as that." The consort said firmly before a light knock against the doors of her chamber got her attention, Yiren and Ningning quickly opening it to let in a maid Tzuyu could not recognize, wearing a light pink and white attire.

"It's very late at night maiden, what is that I can help you with?" Tzuyu asked firm but gently.

"Your beauty is beyond anyone's imagination Imperial Precious Consort,allow me to introduce myself before your blessed presence." The maid said as she bowed low, making Tzuyu raise and eyebrow at her curiously before she gestured for her to keep going.
"I am Haewon, head lady in waiting of the Pure Consort and , at my mistress's order I have come to invite you to visit the Quartz pavilion." The maiden said as Tzuyu watched her with eagle eyes before smiling slightly.
"Tell your mistress I'll be more than honored to do so. Matter of fact, I will be visiting tomorrow."Tzuyu said kindly before the maid took her leave with one last long bow.

"What an interesting little lady is this new pure consort." Tzuyu said before humming softly.
"She is indeed my mistress, I have heard she is outstandingly smart as well." Xiaoting said making Tzuyu chuckle.
"You need to be smart to survive here Xiao, she probably knows as well."The consort said before standing up.

"Do you wish for us to get the bath ready mistress?" Shuhua asked and Tzuyu simply nodded.


"She invited The Imperial Consort to the Quartz Pavilion???" Sana asked annoyed and Kazuha gulped before nodding her head.
"She just arrived here and she's already trying to form alliances! I bet she will side with Consort Tzuyu and try to throw me out or something, this is unacceptable!" The consort said before standing up and storming out of her chamber as Kazuha and Mina quickly went after her.
"M-mistress, it's late, where are you going?" Mina asked worriedly before Sana turned to glare at her.
"Do not follow me." She firmly ordered making the two maids stop immediately before she walked away furiously, set on facing The imperial Consort.

"Virtuous consort Sana what-"

"Get out of my way eunuch!" She commanded making the two eunuchs guarding the entrance to the Diamond Pavilion's courtyard move to the side before she walked inside and straight to The Empress Consort's head quarters.
"V-Virtuous Consort Sana!" Elkie and Xiaoting greeted her, nervous upon seeing the anger on the redhead's face.
"Mistress Tzuyu isn't available right now y-"
"Move! I need to discuss with her." Sana said before pushing the two women out of her way and entering the chamber they were guarding as the two sighed and let her do whatever since standing in her way wasn't the smartest choice and their mistress's safety wasn't a problem since they knew the consort knew better than to challenge Tzuyu.

"What are you turning my palace upside down for Virtuous Consort?" Tzuyu's voice took Sana aback who struggled a little to see due to the thick vapors inside the bathhouse .
The strong smell of jasmine filling the air.
She was already feeling embarrassed for walking in unannounced now that she wasn't as angry.
"Consort Tzuyu, I heard of your upcoming visit to the Quartz Pavilion." Sana said before Tzuyu's figure emerging from the water made her avert her gaze, Sana felt as if her whole face caught on fire.
"As you can see you came in at a very unfortunate moment. We could have talked about this tomorrow not in the midsts of me taking a bath but I guess it couldn't be helped." Tzuyu's smooth voice accompanied by a soft sigh made Sana look up to see the consort securing her long robe around her waist before walking closer to Sana who kept her chin high as she looked into the eyes of the consort.
"I think this isn't a place fit for discussion, please follow me to my chamber." The imperial consort said calmly and Sana just nodded as she followed her outside the room and down the halls.

"You wish us to assist you mistress?" Tzuyu's ladies in waiting asked once they reached her sleeping chamber but the concubine just shook her head before taking a seat on her bed as the two walked out leaving her alone with Sana who was now silent.
"I believe you wanted to Tell me something?" Tzuyu said , confused on why Sana seemed to look at every other part of her body but her face, her gaze fixed on Tzuyu's chest most specifically, which made the imperial consort's face flush red as she squirmed a little before clearing her throat.

"Uhm..Consort Sana..?" She softly called out making the older woman snap out from whatsoever thoughts she had before her hazel eyes fixed on Tzuyu.
"I know you don't like me , but don't just think I will stand by and watch you and the new Pure consort make plans to throw me off." Sana said firmly making Tzuyu's eyes widen before she bursted out laughing, making Sana's jaw drop in shock cuz she never saw the woman laugh like this before.
"Where did you get such scandalous idea from?" Tzuyu asked before standing up and walking closer to Sana with a smile on her lips.
"I wouldn't do anything to throw you off, in fact I have no harmful intentions when it comes to you." Tzuyu said as Sana just stared at her, mouth still open which made the taller consort giggle before she held Sana's chin gently and shut her mouth, blushing and quickly taking a step back upon realizing she got too close.

"You- ..you don't hate me?" Sana asked confused and Tzuyu just shook her head.
"Hate is a very strong word, I do dislike how quick you are into jumping to conclusions and your short temperament, but other than that.. I admire you truly." The consort said and Sana stared into her doe eyes for any signs of dishonesty and blushed madly when she couldn't find any.

So Tzuyu .. admired her? Why?

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