chapter 3

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we're all at the football game waiting for the boys to come on while i sit with Cass and Natalia

While we were at my house i got closer to all of them

i found out that Cass and Christian are pretty much the same 12 year old in a high school seniors body

Natalia is your typical teenage girl, cute, fun, loves gossip but i actually enjoy her company

Zack is similar to me in that he has no filter except he's loud and crazy something i most definitely am not

and finally Arlo he's like the mom of the group, always making sure everyone's okay and always carries snacks

"hey i'm gonna go to the toilets" i tell the girl

"okay they're just by the locker rooms" Natalia tells me

"have fun!" Cass shouts

"in the bathroom?"


"okay, Cass thanks girl"

i make my way over to the girls toilets which luckily doesn't have anyone standing around them

i'm about to go in when i hear a noise, a whimper

i go around the deserted corner to see Christian with his legs to his chest, his head on his knees with his hands on his neck

"hey.. hey Christian it's okay look at me" i say softly as i get on my knees next to him

"Christian.." i run my hand over the back of his head and he looks up at me

Teary eyes and rosy cheeks

he looks quite.. cute

no now is not the time Vienna

"it's okay it's just me" i whisper

"what's wrong?"

"i-im t-the qua-quarterback and i ju-just got stressed" he stutters

"it's okay no matter what happens in this game you will still have your friends and your teammates, you won't loose anyone and this isn't the last game of the year"

"But you could play and be amazing and make everyone super proud of you, you just need to breathe and take a deep breath then go and play the best you can yeah?"

he does as I say and gets his breathing back to normal

"thank you" he whispers

"that's okay" i whisper back and wink before standing up

i'm about to finally go to the toilets when im stopped

"wait" Christian stops me

"what you want a hug or something"

he looks down then back up at me with pleading eyes


he nods

"3 seconds max and don't get used to it i don't like people touching me"

he smiles widely as i walk over, get on my tiptoes and put my arms around his neck

his arms go around my waist holding me close and he stuffs his head in between my shoulder and my neck

"okay okay that's enough" i tell him pulling away

he squeezes me one last time before letting me go

i can see the blush on his cheeks


"okay have fun and don't worry just play"

"okay thank you vienna i'm sorry you had to see me cry" he sighs

"it's not a big deal" i shake my head before finally making my way to the toilet then back to the girls

"where were you?" Cass asks

"got caught up with something" i say as all the boys come out onto the field


we won

obviously i helped loads with my words of encouragement to Christian so your welcome

but now we're walking out as a group while i look for my dad

i see him and can feel my whole mood brighten

"i'll see you all tomorrow" i say to the others

they all say bye and i make my way over to my dad whose standing by the passenger door of his rolls royce while people look at the car

"daddy!" he looks up from his phone and smiles brightly

"hi princess" he kisses my temple before opening my door for me and walking around to the drivers seat

"did you have fun baby girl?"

"it was alright" i shrug

"but i am really hungry"

he laughs "we'll pick up a pizza on the way home"

"thank youuu"


after a long night and lots of pizza i'm finally in my comfy pjs and im finishing up my skincare when i get a text

hey thanks for today
oh it's christian btw
i got your number from Natalia
i promise im not stalking you
well i did look at your instagram for a bit
i shouldn't have told you that

hi christian

hi vienna thank you for earlier

no problem


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