chapter 1

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"Vienna!" My father yells from downstairs

"Yeah, Daddy?!"

So what if I still call my dad, daddy? Leave me alone.

"Come eat, princess you'll be late for your first day of school"

"Give me 5 minutes," I tell him

I finish my makeup which consists of mascara, concealer and tinted lip gloss.

Luckily for me, it was hair wash day yesterday so today is the best it's gonna get for my long curly brown locks.

I quickly slip on my blue denim shorts and a white T-shirt over my tanned skin.

My dad is Puerto Rican but my mama was Italian they met at university in America because my dad wanted to become a successful businessman and my mama wanted to have her own family and they thought America would be the best place to achieve their d...

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My dad is Puerto Rican but my mama was Italian they met at university in America because my dad wanted to become a successful businessman and my mama wanted to have her own family and they thought America would be the best place to achieve their dreams.

In the end, they both got what they came here for, my dad is the CEO of a successful company and even though I don't really understand what they do I'm super proud of him. My mama got what she wanted by marrying my daddy and having me, one happy family just the three of us.

Well that was until my mama was caught in a drive-by 6 months ago and ended up flatlining in the hospital during surgery.

So now it's just me and daddy.

After Mama died we decided to pack up and move to Miami since one of my dad's offices is here so he can still work and the cherry on top are beaches here which are way better than the only 'hangout spot' being a parking lot.

Those were the only two necessities on our list so here we are.

"I'm ready Daddy!" I call racing down the stairs for my waffles and blueberry's.

He chuckles as I practically inhale my breakfast "Beautiful as always princess" he kisses my temple.

"Please be nice to people Vienna and don't swear too much or curse people out in Italian" he begs

I can't help it I'm just not a friendly person; never have been, in my last school I was quite popular but I was the popular girl who didn't like anyone people just liked me I'm not sure why.

When I left I got a card signed by my whole grade and some people from other grades as well which I was super confused about since I was barely friends with anyone.

I mainly hung out with Justin he was the school drug dealer/stoner but he was funny so we were kind of a pair.

There were obviously dating rumours and I mean we hooked up every now and then but neither of us are relationship people so it was just friends with benefits.

I'm not going to lie I miss him a little bit but that's life people come and go you just have to get over it.

Both of my parents taught me their home languages so I speak Spanish, Italian and obviously English.

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