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Earth Kills
Season 1 Episode 3

Adeline sat near the fire to warm herself up. She could hear Jasper moaning in pain as Clarke was up with him at the Dropship.

She had left the tent that she shared with Murphy. Adeline snapped her head over to a scream of what sounded like a child.

Adeline rose to her feet heading over to where the screams were coming from. Walking up the small hill she sees a girl lying on the ground shaking in fear.

"Hey, wake up." Adeline softly said to the girl watching as she shot straight up, gasping quietly. "You're going to be okay. It's just a dream."

Adeline rubbed the girl back in comfort waiting for her to calm down. "You want to talk about?"

"It's... my parents. They were floated and they... and I see it in my dreams and I just..." the girl explains moving closer to the older girl.

"I understand.  My dad was floated as well." Adeline informs. "how did you end up here?"

"Well... we were taking my parents' things to the redistribution center and... I kind of lost it. They said I assaulted a guard." The girl said looking up at Adeline.

"I don't blame you. I would do the same if it was my mother's things." Adeline states, giving the girl a small smile.

"What about you? How did you end up here?" The girl asks.

"For being born." She states making the girl frown. "I was hidden under the floor for most of my life. My mother died when me and my twin brother were eight. She was all we had."

"What about your father? You had him right?" The girl asked.

Adeline scrunched her face a little. She hated thinking about him after all the trauma he put her and her older brother through.

"Let's just say he isn't a good man," Adeline says. "But who cares about him, I have my brother and that's what I need."

It was silent as they sat side by side, back facing the dark woods behind them.

"Are you Octavia or Adeline?" The girl asked.

Adeline chuckled "I'm Adeline. What's your name?"

"I'm Charlotte." Was all she said before laying her head on Adeline's arm.

Adeline tensed, not being used to this as it only had been her brother and Octavia that did this or the other way around.


The Murphy girl sat in the drop ship with Clarke, Finn, and Monty. She was placing a cool washcloth on Jaspers four head.

"The Grounders cauterized the wound. Saved his life." Clarke said as she was cleaning Jasper's wounds.

"Saved his life so they could string him up for live bait. Garden of Eden this ain't." Finn said walking in front of the two girls.

Adeline grimaces looking at the wound on his stomach. "It looks infected."

"You're right it is. Good eye. He could be septic." Clarke nodded at the girl. Adeline felt prone to herself getting something right even if it was in a bad situation. "Any progress on using the wristbands to contact the Ark? Monty?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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