Chapter 88: Just a Little Card Game!

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*Last Chapter was all story so this one will be a little longer then usual with a twist and a question at the end, if you could read the entire way and let me know what you think, I'll be very grateful! Enjoy!


It's just another typical day for Logan, nothing over exciting, just parenting 100 hours of the day, that's obviously not possible but both he and Alexis seem to make it work, with them having twins, sure it's been tough but if they share the work load, then it works, even though Logan travels with the WWE most days of a week, he doesn't actually go to House Shows, he still does the Meet & Greets though, he just doesn't like leaving Alexis alone for that amount of time with Aelin and Arlo, so when he is home, he tries to do more then Alexis but the women's a workhorse, she doesn't stop working, whether it's parenting or preparing for her quickly approaching WWE return, Logan's been there though helping her every step of the way making things so much easier for them both.

Demi: This is actually a great idea. Could be fun ~

Logan smiled across to the Australian as she looked to Gionna and Jackie like a hungry lion, just as they all sat around the Poker table they moved from the upstairs game room down to the living room, it wasn't heavy or awkward for Logan, Colby and Duncan, it was actually a lot easier then people make it out to be, the others are obviously Demi, Alexis, Becky, Gionna and Jackie Redmond, it was a recent idea so there isn't many of them but if this goes well, who knows maybe "Strip Poker" can be something Alexis and Logan implement into their newly acquired "Sex Parties".

Colby: What are the rules anyway?

Logan's shuffling the cards as Alexis sat to his right, fiddling with her top making Duncan sweat on the other side, Gionna on his right, Jackie to hers, Duncan next to the New Zealand born, the Women's World Heavyweight Champion on his right, Colby beside her then Becky settled between Alexis and her husband, that's actually quite a hot thought to be honest, they all have drinks though as the Twins are taking their afternoon nap, this is the best time to do this since they'll be asleep for a couple of hours.

Logan: Well, everyone knows how to play poker right? It's simple, the person with the worst hand, losses an article of clothing...

It's the box standard rules to "Strip Poker" but the others were a little confused because this is Logan Kenway, he doesn't do anything planned out like this without finding a way to make it into a way he can get laid, he is the Alpha after all, Gionna looked to him a little disappointed while still having that excited look in her eyes, she's making her return in a few days, she was a little pissed at Logan before for getting her into that mess that got her suspended but since he sorted it out, it's wear under the bridge for her.

Logan: ... But, this is the official Kenway twist...

There it is, Duncan and Colby were listening as much as they could, of course they are, this is the first time in a long time that Logan has let Alexis take part in one of these sorts of things and their ready to get their play time, not that Logan told her not to but with her being pregnant and all he didn't want his kids home being invaded by an unknown source, he's not sure why it makes it better that it was only his but it does and that's how it was.

Logan: ... The winner of the hand will get to choose which item of clothing the loser losses...

Alexis swore she just saw Duncan's eyes light up like a kid on Christmas morning who just saw a bunch of gifts under the tree, she smiled though because this was their idea, Logan and Alexis have actually been spending a lot of time together before going to sleep, just coming up with ideas to make their parties better then Steph's, not that Steph's wasn't great but they just want theirs to be better, that's the type of people they are, one person does something well, they have to do it better, it's why their so successful in life.

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