First Murder in Terra Nova - Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Oh, I'm sorry." You say and are about to go when Taylor stop you.

"Take the lunch on the way Y/n, i want you with them." Taylor tells you.

"On what?" You ask.

"Foster. The Shannon's believe it might be murder." He tells you and you gape at him then them. "You knew him, don't you hang out with the boys occasionally?"

"Huh? Uh, right, yeah, sometimes." You say as you wake up from your initial shock.

"Do you know where his friends are?" Jim ask you and you take a deep breath and think about it.

"A day like today.. i think i know where they'll be." You tell them.

You try to give Taylor the second bag with lunch you had made for him, but he doesn't take it.

"Give it to someone else, I lost my appetite." Taylor tells you, not in the mood after getting the news that it might be a murder in Terra Nova.

"Too bad." You push it into his hands and go to leave. "Make sure he eats it, Wash." You tell her on the way out, she chuckles and Taylor rolls his eyes.


You walk into the bar with Liam and Jim, looking around you see them in the corner.

"Hey boys." You say and they look up at you.

"Hey, Y/n." They greet you.

"Hey, Mr. Shannon, Liam." Mark greets politely and they nod to him.

"Hey. I'm sorry about Foster and we're sorry to interrupt you guys. We got a few questions we need to ask, if that's okay." Jim tells them.

"Did Foster get along with everyone in your unit?" Liam asks.

"Uh.. Pretty much. Why?" Mark says.

"Can you think of anyone who would've wanted to harm him?" Liam asks.

"Hold on. You're investigating this as a murder or something?" Mark asks.

"I don't believe this.. You know, Foster was seeing a woman." Curran tells them.

"Yeah? What's her name?" Jim ask.

"I don't know." Curran says.

"None of us do. He never told us who she is." Mark tells them.

"Yeah, but he was always up in his bunk, looking at pictures of her on his Tag." Curran says.

"I thought they only held personal info and blood type." Jim says.

"Yeah, plus medical history and a locator." You tell him, walking up to Curran, he holds his tag up for you to show them.

"You're not supposed to, but everyone hacks in and throws a couple of pictures of loved ones on there, maybe some music, when you're holed up some place or on a long patrol." Mark says.

"Well, thanks gentlemen, and again, sorry for your loss." Jim says and Liam nods to them before turning. He glances behind him and see you give the two a short hug in which they return. The Curran guy letting his hands linger a little too long on you for his liking but he shakes it off.

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