True Feelings

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After blacking out due to my injuries, I finally awoke on a couch that I recognized all to well.

This is the Salvatore home.

"So you're finally awake." Katherine spoke, standing a few feet away from me along with Stefan and Damon.

What was she doing here, not that I was complaining.

"Yeah, and it seems that my injuries are healed, I'm guessing it's the work of vampire blood consumption." I said, referring to my healed injuries.

"For some odd reason Ms Pierce here decided to heal you, I think she's finally letting some screws loose." Damon insulted as Katherine rolled her eyes.

Did I just hear him right?

"What are you planning,
don't tell me the infamous Katherine Pierce has gone soft." I asked as I got up from the couch I laid on.

"Nothing." She simply replied whilst shrugging.

"No ulterior motives?" I inquired with my brows raised.

"None, I just thought it would be a waste to lose someone like you." She responded before walking over to me and placing her hands on my shoulders.

"Don't get too comfortable Katherine, we're just from killing an original so what makes you think we won't kill you." Stefan stated, causing Katherine to turn away from me and face him.

"Let's get one thing straight, the only reason you three were able to kill Klaus was simply because he was holding back, to him the fight was just a game, something to keep himself entertained." She explained.

"His mistake." Damon added.

But despite all this, something inside of me said otherwise...

"He's not really dead is he?" I questioned causing Katherine to turn back to me with a smirk.

"I was waiting for someone to figure that out." She responded.

"What do you mean!?" Stefan exclaimed.

"Did you really think that killing an original would be that easy, Klaus is dead but not permanently, as long as the dagger stays stabbed into his corpse, he won't be troubling any of us." Katherine revealed.

"So what happens if someone decides to pull it out of his body?" Damon asked.

"What do you think?" She simply replied.

"Tell me Katherine, now that the whole Moonstone situation has been settled, what do you plan to do in Mystic Falls?" I queried.

"Aren't you curious?" She spoke with her smirk still present on her lips.

Just at that moment, Elena walked into the house.

"Is everything alright, I just couldn't stop myself from checking up on you guys after your confrontation with..." Elena trailed off once she locked eyes with Katherine.

Oh no...

"So you're my doppelganger." Katherine stated while eyeing her before Damon rushed to Elena's side.

"Elena stay away from her." Damon ordered as he stood in front of her protectively.

His behavior was justified, considering that Katherine Pierce was unpredictable.

"I think it's best you leave Katherine." Stefan advised, also seeming worried about Elena's wellbeing which only made Katherine chuckle.

"I'll escort her out." I announced while flashing Elena a smile before Katherine and I walked out of the home.

"You've been surprisingly compliant." I stated which seemed to amuse her.

"For now at least." She replied before wrapping her arms around my neck.

I swear every time I lay my eyes on her...

"What are you really planning?" I inquired once more with a curious smile plastered on my face.

"Let's just say heads will roll if Stefan doesn't admit his love for me." She revealed as my eyebrows raised in confusion.

"You're sure he's the one you love?"

"What are you suggesting Y/N?" She spoke as our faces drew near to each other.

My heart was beating wildly right about now but I had to keep my composure.

"There's something between us Katherine and I know you can feel it too..."

"...I've lived for over 500 years yet I have never met a man like you." She whispered as I could practically feel her hot breath on my face.

Less than a second later our lips pressed together in a soft, quick and gentle kiss.

If only it could last forever...

"Only time will tell what my feelings for you truly are." She continued whilst grinning before motioning to leave.

"See you next time Y/N." Katherine greeted goodbye as she walked off into the distance.

Till next time...

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