Bloody Showdown

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"You're Klaus, I was expecting you to look more menacing." Damon insulted.

"Can we just get this over done with." I told him, right before he charged at Klaus with the intention of tackling him to the ground.

Unfortunately for Damon, Klaus grabbed him by the throat and effortlessly threw his body at Stefan with powerful force.

"I suggest you run while you still can." He advised me.

"Don't underestimate me." I warned as I pulled out a gun within my jacket and proceeded to shoot several wooden bullets into Klaus's chest, causing him to stagger back in pain.

That did less damage than expected.

"I think you're the one underestimating me." He replied before tackling me into a nearby building at an incredible speed.

"Argh!" I groaned out in pain, realizing that I fractured my left shoulder when I hit the ground.

"I don't think you know who I am, I am Klaus Mikaelson, an original, you're just a mere human."

"Oh really?" I inquired mockingly before he grabbed me by the jacket and threw me out of the building and back onto the town streets.

"I'm going to have fun killing you." He said with a smirk, only for me to throw a vervain grenade at his face giving Stefan and Damon a chance to subdue him from behind.

"Y/N FINISH HIM NOW!!" Stefan exclaimed as I pulled out the dagger from yesterday that Katherine had handed to me.

Immediately after, I sprinted towards Klaus and right as I was about to stab him in the chest he broke free from Stefan and Damon, causing a major shockwave which sent us all flying into different directions.

"ENOUGH!!!" He shouted from the top of his voice.

"No more games, no more mercy..." He continued as his pupils glowed yellow.

No, don't tell me, so it isn't a myth after all...

"For centuries I thought I needed the Moonstone to awaken my inner wolf but really, all I needed was myself." Klaus revealed as I let out a sigh.

When I did my training with my Grandfather, he told me about a myth which suggested that only the most raw and real emotions had the power to supernaturally do things that only artefacts such as the Moonstone could do.

Never in my life could I have imagined that this would be true.

"It's about time I killed you all." He spoke coldly before dashing over to Damon and lifting him in the air.

"Come on now, I'm offended I wasn't first on your kill list." I said, intending to save Damon by drawing Klaus's attention to me.

"You're something else aren't you." Klaus said while chuckling before speeding over to me.

"The name's Y/N L/N." I introduced.

"It's a bit late for introductions don't you think?" He asked before landing a powerful punch on my body that shattered my ribcage.

I fell to one knee in pain whilst I coughed out a river of blood.

"There's more where that came from Y/N." Klaus spoke as he swung his right fist in my direction.

Fortunately I managed to dodge the attack and land a punch on his face which did some damage thanks to my sliver knuckle busters that were drenched in vervain.

Next, I dodged all of his powerful attacks successfully and countered them with attacks of my own but not without great difficulty.

"Impressive, a human being holding his own against an original, but I'm afraid I no longer find you entertaining." He stated coldly before grabbing me by the throat.

"This was fun while it lasted." Klaus admitted but before he could snap my neck, I swiftly pulled out a syringe and injected vervain into his neck .

"What did you do!?" He groaned out while falling to the ground in pain.

Just then, Stefan sprinted behind him and stabbed two stakes into his back.

"Goodbye Klaus." I said before piercing his heart with the dagger Katherine had handed to me.

A mere second later, Klaus's body turned gray as the life within him slowly faded till he was nothing but a husk.

"So you actually managed to do it." Katherine congratulated from behind me.

"Why do you sound so surprised." Was all I managed to say before losing my balance.

However before my body could hit the ground, Katherine caught me.

"You've taken a fair amount of damage, haven't you?" She queried with seriousness present in her voice.

Her eyes, they're so beautiful...

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