Our Promise

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10 PM

Exactly an hour from now, I'd be pulling off one of if not the most dangerous stunt of my life.

Fighting possibly the strongest vampire in history.

If Klaus was really one of the first ever vampires to exist, then he would be extremely old.

This was bad news considering a vamp's power only grows with their age, meaning that he would be immensely overpowered.

Yikes, how strong would he be if he became a true hybrid.

I dismissed this thought from my mind, knowing that I'd never allow that to happen.

Even if it cost me my own life.

Currently, I was at the Gilbert home, attempting to explain to Elena what would go down tonight.

"So all this will happen an hour from now?" Elena queried before I nodded.

"That's... nerve-wracking and I'm not even going to be there." She continued as I chuckled.

"Don't worry, everything will be alright, besides I'll have Damon and Stefan on my side." I assured whilst we stared deep into each other's eyes, however the mention of Stefan's name caused her to gaze to avert mine.

"About Stefan... Him and I are--"

"--Dating, I know." I said, causing her eyes to widen with shock.

"Once you and Stefan made amends with each other after you found out he was vampire, it was quite obvious that you two had become a couple." I revealed with a hint of sadness present in my voice.

"I'm sorry..." Elena apologized.

"Sorry for what?" I asked gently as I walked closer to her.

"I know you have feelings for me." She told me with a slightly shaky voice.

"I could say the same to you." I spoke before softy lifting up her chin.

"How long will you deny the truth Elena..." I inquired as our eyes met once more.

"Y/N, it's too late, I'm with Stefan now." She replied in a low voice.

"But I  need to know Elena, whether what we have is real or not." I pleaded softly.

"How do you plan to find that out?" She whispered as her eyes dropped to my lips.

"You tell me." I replied as we both drew nearer to each other before she suddenly stopped.

"We can't be doing this, I can't cheat on Stefan." She stated, seeming at odds with herself.

"Then why did you go into a relationship with him, knowing what you felt for me." I inquired with my voice still soft.

"Because I didn't know at the time...and right now I'm still unsure about us." She answered

"You don't have to be unsure anymore..." I said, seemingly convincing her.

"Y/N..." Was all she uttered, right before our lips connected in a deep and passionate kiss for what seemed to be blissful eternity.

Unfortunately, the sound of my phone ringing interrupted our moment, resulting in the both of us pulling away from each other.

I swiftly pulled out my phone to see Stefan calling me, which meant he was probably wondering about my whereabouts.

This was justified, considering our confrontation with Klaus would be happening in about less than an hour from now.

"I have to get going." I said to Elena after declining the call.

Next, I motioned to leave, but she stopped me in my tracks by grabbing my arm immediately.

"Let's promise each other one thing." She spoke as I turned to face her and took her hand in mine.

"The day we finally decide what we are to each other, let's promise to follow what our heart wants, regardless or not if it means we'll choose one another." She continued before I cupped her cheek.

"Promise." I vowed whilst we pulled each other into a warm hug.

My feelings for Elena were less of a mystery now, but that didn't make things any less complicated.

I was overjoyed when Elena and I kissed but deep down inside me, I began to wonder what my feelings where towards someone else.

Towards Katherine Pierce...

The Vampire Diaries (Male Reader Insert) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن