Attached to this tree was a gorgeous park swing, with bows and vines crawling up the rope.

A pile of fairytale books laid in the corner next to a bush of yellow daffodils. Yvette walked over and chose the muggle story, 'Beauty and The Beast.' This was one of her favourites. The way Belle was yearning for something more than her boring life. Then to be saved and fall in-love with a beast, who's heart just needed to be mended.

She sighed, sinking into the swing. The afternoon sun projecting onto the pages of her book. If only she could just stay here, away from the world and it's problems. A girl and her garden.


The time was now 6:30. She had gotten extremely carried away and the sun had almost set. Yvette looked up from her book, realising how dark the garden had turned. She glanced at her pocket watch. "Merlin!" She scolded herself.

Throwing her book back in the pile she ran out of the small garden, out of the passageway, out of the maze and towards the main garden.

To her surprise her house elf was blocking the back door entrance.

"Hello, may i go in?" She spoke out of breath. The little creature shook its head. "Mistress Scarlet told me to give you these. You are to go into the forest, and if you do not transform you must come back to the house. If you do transform, do not come back till morning." He sadly told the girl. "Good luck Madame Yvette, i hope it doesn't hurt terribly." The small elf smiled at Yvette, before handing her a pile of clothes and some shoes.

She nodded, mostly from shock. "Thank you." The girl gave a genuine smile before advancing towards the thick, dark woods.

Her body started to ache all over. Sending cold beads of sweat down her neck.

Walking towards the woods all she could think of was one thing. How badly was this going to hurt?

She didn't want to imagine the pain. So she kept of walking, taking in the beauty of the nature around her. This was no doubt an enchanted forest. Little pixies zoomed around her face, flying back up to their homes amosgst the mushrooms resting on the big moss ridden oak trees.

It was like taking a big deep breath being in the wood.

The darker it got the more unsettling it was. It was a terrifying thought that soon, she would be roaming this forest as a hideous beast. She was afraid that she'd hurt something or someone.

Then the moon rose. Over the mountain in the distance there it was. So bright and beautiful. How could something so captivating, cause something so horrific.

As the moonlight hit her pale skin, a hot blinding pain strobed through her body. It felt as if all her bones were being broken, in every possible place. Then pierced through her skin, shifting into new spots. She let out a horrific shrill scream. It sounded like a child was being tortured. She sobbed and begged for the moon to stop it. She'd never experienced anything this painful.

She regretted ever wishing to be a werewolf. This was surely a curse.


The rest of the night was a blur. Yvette woke up in the morning light. The forest she had been so terrified of last night, looked so comforting in this new light. The morning dew dripping onto the moss covered logs. Where little magical creatures rested.

She wiped her eyes with her very dirty hand. Yvette gazed up and down her arms and legs, no wounds.

Her focus was drawn to a tingling sensation on her torso. A large deep scratch extended from her left shoulder, all the way down across her chest, to her right hip. She gasped, touching the bright red blood.

Deciding it was best for her to go home and heal this gash, she stood up. It took every strained muscle in her body to lift herself up. She cried out in pain and she stumbled across the forest. She was in so much pain.

On the outskirts of the wood, there was the pile of clothes she had left the night before. She slipped on the black sweater her mother had picked out, with the black long skirt. Yvette placed on the pair of black shoes her mother supplied her with.

She stumbled up the hill, walking into the backyard of her childhood home. Like the day before, the house elf was waiting at the back entrance. She walked up to the little elf who was just as scared as ever.

"Im so glad your alright Madame Yvette. Mistress Scarlet has sent all of your Hogwarts supplies in your room. She suggests you go prepare for your journey." The elf squeaked out.

She simply nodded with a smile. Too violently ill to respond.

This was it. I'm going to Hogwarts. She thought to herself, walking up the stairs. Her nightmare was over.

She was wondering why her parents were making these decisions. Surely there's a twist right?

Yvette turned the doorknob of what used to be her room. All of her belongings had been moved to Delmar's home. What was left was her bags for Hogwarts. A cage with a black owl in it stood beside her luggage.

She fell onto the floor and opened her suitcase in a quick demeanour.

The small injured girl pulled out vials of different potions. These would help her heal and mend her large wounds. From her extensive tutoring, Yvette had learnt a variety of healing spells.

She pulled out her wand that had been chosen for her back when she was younger. She muttered some healing incantations, filling her body with warmth. The girl then removed her sweater to reveal her large scar.

Pouring some dittany onto the open gash, she dabbed off most of the dried blood with a towel. For the past couple of days she had been stocking up on healing tools. She knew her parents wouldn't help her if she was harmed during her transformation, so she had to help herself.

The August full moon was late in the month, so she wouldn't have to sleep on the bare cold floors for a while. Only for two more days. Then she could go to Hogwarts.

Holy cow! So our lovely lady is a she-wolf. How do we feel about that? More importantly how will Remus feel about that?

Anyways next chapter Yvette will be off to Hogwarts so be ready for all the introductions. 💋

Word count - 2212

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