New home

56 2 19

(Amity is in the human realm here)

Im not sure when it started I think I was to young to even remember. If i ever did something wrong to make mom upset she would hit. Like if i got a B and not an A she would hit if i didn't lisen she would hit if i moved and walked the wrong way she would hit if i didn't look like she wanted me to took she would hit.

This got worse over the years, even worse after I up stood up to her and dyed my hair purpule she started beating me more over the small things she gave me less food and made me skip more and more meals.

But now... Its different here in miss nocedas home she was nice she didn't yell or hit you. She was nice to everyone but I still didn't dare to make one wrong move I didn't wanna upset her. Then I would ruin her mood and she wouldn't be nice anymore and I would ruin every thing for no me but every one else too.


"Kids its time to wake up" I heard a voice call. All of let out tried grunds "yeah we will be up in a minut" luz yawn, but I get up prety fast I look over to my side to se willow still sleeping.
I stood up walking down the stairs already smeing the brakfeast down stairs.

I walk in and se hunter already eating his toast at the finished table. But he looks tired as fuck 'probebly went up early' he looks up when he noticed someone there "hey Amity" "goodmoring" I answer as I satt down and took the toast already ready on the table.

After I finished my toast I went and put my plate in the sink. And left hunter alone doing what he was doing. I didnt know what to more do so I just sat in the couch puting on someting on the TV.



"HMP" 'what was that?!' "I'M LATE" I hear luz yell "MOM WHY DIDNT YOU WAKE ME UP?" she qoustins miss Camila. 'Shit did she just yell as miss Camila? Fuck fuck fuck fuck shes gonna be pissed' all I did was turning around on the grabing my hands hard on the couch.

"Luz I did wake you up you just feel back to asleep"

Huh? But it never came "hija, finish ur breakfast FAST you need to be finished in ten minuts or else ur gonna miss your buss" she told luz "YES MAMA" She answerd in an overly serious tone. Sonn after that I could hear fast foot steps running around the house. But I was still stuck in the same posison on the couch "....what" I mumbeled quietly only for my self to hear still hearing the faint sound of the TV behind me, but I wasn't able to foucus on anything around me. Soon I feelt how my breathing beacame harder to l control like it was stuck in my troat I tried to use a tip Willow gave me when I was stressed 'breath in 1 2 3 4 breat out 1 2 3 4... and aging, breath in 1 2 3 4 and out 1 2 3 4' I did it a few times until it feelt better. I knew camila was nice and I remeber that hitting your kid wasn't normal but I think I forgot that for a momment.

Okey Amity calm down...

"Amity sweete!" camila yells from the kitchen "yeah?" I say a bit shaky in my voice but I don't think she noticed "what is It?" I continue. Then I hear footsteps coming, but they aren't fast heavy or agrasive just calm and slow "you wouldn't mind helping me bake later would you?" she asked "no I wouldn't its fine" I answered a bit nervous "okey great" she said happy. Thank titan she didnt ask me when I was having trouble breathing.

Then I heared even more running around the house running up the stairs and down "OKEY I'M LEAVING NOW" She shouted from the fron door "OKEY BYE LOVE YOU" I shouted back "LOVE YOU TO BYEE" was the Last thing she said after closing the door behind her and I just turned back faceing the TV continueing watching the program I was watching I think it was some really color ful type of...cartoon? About friend ship I think? (It just happends to be my little pony)

Sad amity blight :[.  //the owl house//Where stories live. Discover now