Chapter 9- ARIELLA

Comincia dall'inizio

"I know, so what do you want me to do?" I hope he will accept whatever I say, I mean he will since it was a bet. Its just something I want to do.
"I will tell you once your exams are over"

I open the door and before closing it I turn to him
"Thanks for loosing the match.......and Rem you are not only hot you are a complete full course meal"

I saw his shocked expression and came out of his room, with a happy smile, cause ,why not? He kissed me! He tought me how to kiss! And yeah I meant every word I said he isnt just hot, he is a fucking full course meal
He looks like he is in his chocolate boy era and I just want to have a bite out of him.
Oh god!
I enter my room and sat down on my bed for a few minutes and toughts clouded. Ofcourse its about Rem again but I shouldnt have reacted that way when he was about to....
I mean I wasnt ready I know that... but didnt I want it!?
Well I fell for him again cause he cares about me. He didnt proceed further. The amount of love I have for him cant be expressed in words.
I freshen up once again and changed into my comfortable pair of clothes.

I reach out for my phone to text Annie and Lia, but as soon as I open WhatsApp, I notice the same unfamiliar number.

"My beautiful doll how was your surprise? Well you will recieve another surprise know you look prettier than anything when you are covered in blood"

My heart skipped a beat as I read the message. What is this? What surprise did I receive? If this is some kind of prank, I swear that person is going to land up in big trouble. But what if it's not a prank? No, Ari, it's definitely a prank. Just find out who did it and give them a taste of their own medicine. Should I play along? I'm pretty sure it's just a prank, so maybe a little retaliation wouldn't hurt.

"Of course I did. It was such a great surprise! Can't wait for another one. Make sure to surprise me again. Waiting eagerly, #Yourdoll."

What a drag

I smirk and chuckle at the message I'm about to send. It's always fun to prank the prankster. It must be someone from my class or maybe even from my previous class, since I'm receiving messages from the same number. At first, they were good, but now they're just getting creepy. Well, I'm Ariella Nash, and I'm not afraid of some silly pranks. Bring it on.

I send the message and immediately see that it's been seen.

"My doll."

Ugh, this is getting cringeworthy now. How gross. Yuckkk!!

I text Annie saying I will be back tomorrow by evening and she sent me a sulking emoji
"Come back soon bitch I am waiting for you, Ma said she wants to meet you"

"Yeah, yeah I will, by the way what is Lia doing?"
Lia is weird sometimes. She is trying to avoid us and just sticks to us in college.

"She is out since two days. She said she wanted to go out alone for sometime"

"And your parents allowed?"
"Duh ofcourse not, she lied to them saying she is going on a trip with friends"

"She has other friends apart from us?"
"No idea am pretty sure she is changing alot"

"Lucky her and poor us, dont worry I will take you to amusement park once I am back"

"How about sleepover at my place after that, or maybe yours?"

I didnt get time to reply as I recieved another message from her again
"Only if you are okay with it Ariel. Your comfort matters the most"

What does she mean? I am very much comfortable with her.

But guilty conscience takes over any other emotion.

"Dont say that. I am very comfortable with you..its just that I- I -"
I sent the message but I didnt have any words to say.

God of Desire: RemiXAriella Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora