"I'm a sensor, so my taijutsu is a bit weak," Kazuki groans, rubbing his hair in frustration, "I guess I'm good at long distance with earth release?"

Natsumi rolls her eyes, acting as if working with the two of them is beneath her, "Ugh, medium distance. Fire and lightning release." Kiyoko wasn't sure what was the cause of the girls attitude and watched her roll her eyes and cross her arms in an irritated fashion.

The information was useful, Kiyoko knew that. Knowing that Nastumi is strongest in fire release, means that Kiyoko wouldn't be able to use her water style jutsu - which sucked, because that's what she was strongest in - due to the conflicting elements. She hadn't learnt as much lightning release jutsus, only vaguely recalling how it can be used to increase speed and can be infused with her weapons.

"I won't be able to use my water release, so I'll stick to lightning when we're both fighting him," Kiyoko told her, beginning to draw a crude map of the training grounds in the dirt with a stick. To her two onlookers, her art skills seemed to reflect the girls young age especially when she added the little stick figures with arrows pointing to their hiding spots.

Despite her sour attitude, Natsumi nodded, "we'll hide along here," she spoke, circling an area in the forestry, "our best chance is to try and take him by surprise and keep a constant flow of attacks to keep him on the defence,"

"Right, Kazuki where we have a gap we'll need to you fill it with your long distance ninjutsu to keep the pressure," Kiyoko continued brainstorming, her calm voice keeping the two steady.

Kazuki gave her a enthusiastic nod, "leave it to me!"

"We should also add traps, which we should mark with something so we don't step on them," Kazuki added, tired of being the only one not contributing much, "I'll set a variety up, here, here and here, and mark them with two leaves on the left side of them," he told them, using the stick to mark the location of his traps.

Kiyoko gave the boy a thumbs up, which he returned with a massive grin. They all shared a nod, before kicking the dirt map and "separating".

They were both lucky and unlucky the training grounds were quite small compared to the rest with hiding spots being few and fair between.

Kiyoko had used her water style and was hiding in a puddle, Kazuki in the earth some distance away which left Natsumi to be the only one physically hiding in shrubbery.

If Kiyoko was hiding in the shrubbery, she knew she would be sweating. Her heart rate fought her as she tried to remain calm, the puddle reflecting her and occasionally showing a disturbance along the waters surface.

Hopefully, their strategy would allow them to hold out a little longer than what their sensei would have expected of them, given he was leagues above them she had hoped that they would reach his standard.

The surface of her puddle tremored slightly, the vibrations from Misuo's steps reverberating and allowing Kiyoko to know he was coming. His steps were leisurely, but cautious as he peered around the training ground in mild curiosity.

He could sense them all of course and was mildly impressed by how well they had hidden themselves. They had positioned themselves so that when he would eventually walk in search of them, they would have him surrounded. Kiyoko was on his left, more in the open field whereas Natsumi was in the shrubbery on his right. He felt Kazuki's presence further away from the pair and could feel him getting twitchy as he approached his teammates.

Natsumi was the first to react, leaping from the trees and attacking with a fire style jutsu, causing him to crouch to avoid it. At her emergence, Kiyoko jumped from the puddle revealed herself as well and throwing shuriken at his crouched figure.

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