4. Too Far?!

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"You guys are all third years now! It's time to start thinking seriously about your futures!" The teacher yelled, waving the papers in his hand.

(Y/n) looked at the man with a bored, irritated expression.

"I would hand out these future career forms, but I assume you all want to be heroes!" The teacher said, throwing the forms in the air. The students in the classroom showed off their quirks, explaining their enthusiasm through actions instead of words.

"Yes, you all have wonderful quirks, but it's against the rules to use them in school." The teacher chuckled.

'How inconsiderate.' (Y/n) clicked his tongue.

"Sensei! Don't lump me in with these losers!"

That voice.

(Y/n) hated that voice.

He looked to see Katsuki Bakugo. The male's legs were propped up on the desk, his hands in his pockets, looking like a delinquent.

Well, a wannabe delinquent, that is...

(Y/n) hissed, the clouds darkened outside, and the thunder boomed throughout the air, which frightened some of the students.

"As if I had anything like their crappy quirks." Bakugo continued.

"Ah, Bakugo. You, of course, must be aiming for U.A. High School." The teacher asked.

(Y/n)'s classmates froze at the information.

They seemed shocked, some of them sweating a bit.

"That National School?! The cutoff score is 79 this year, right?"

"I hear they barely accept anyone!"

(Y/n) listens to the various conversations of his classmates, which was unavoidable thanks to his many hearing enhancement quirks. The (h/c) haired male didn't understand why everyone was so shocked, since it's obvious that Bakugo would only aim for the highest.

"Ah, the stupid chattering of extras." The explosive man said as he jumped on top of his desk like a mad man,"I aced the mock exam!! I'm the only one here with the stuff for U.A. I'll even surpass All Might and become the best hero out there. Not to mention, I'll be one of the richest people in the world!"

"Oh. Midoriya, (Y/n), you two are also going for U.A., right?" The class froze once again, looking back to see me and Izuku.

The class laughed, harder than they actually needed to.

"Huh?! Midoriya?! No way! Good grades alone can't get you into The Hero Program!"

"And yeah, it's a Hero Program, so (Y/n) has no chance at all."

The class continued to laugh as they looked at the two of you. (Y/n) tried so hard to soothe his murderous intentions.

"Th-that's not necessarily true! Sure, there's no precedent, but..."


"Come on, Deku!" Bakugo yelled, doing a little explosion upon the green haired male's desk. The sudden attack caused Izuku to fall out his seat, backing himself back against a wall.

K: My Hero Academia x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now