2. Questions Heroism

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It was the weekend!

A two day vacation where school, temporarily, doesn't exist! Despite this happy news, (Y/n) was anything other than happy.

He's been attending Izuku's Middle School for a few weeks now, and he noticed that everyone there is a piece of shit. As soon as he stepped into the building, he could immediately tell that your quirk determined your status! If your quirk was shit, then you'll be known across the entire school as shit; If your quirk is eerie and villain-like, then you'll be seen as a villain; If your quirk was something powerful, and has the ability to protect, then you will be seen as a hero. And (Y/n) has the unfortunate luck of having a villain quirk. Apparently, the ability to control anything and everything you want, including people, is more of a quirk for a villain than a hero. Weird.

And he was treated as such. He's continuously being called a villain as he roamed the school halls, but it didn't faze him in the slightest. This was the same thing that happened at his old Middle School in America. He lied about his actual quirk, which was seen as a villainous quirk. He was treated as a villain, and was attacked by students everyday because they wanted to play...Hero...

Some of his teacher agreed.

They saw no bright future for (Y/n) with a quirk like that, and that actually hurt his feelings. Well, the little that he have left.

He was fine with it though.

He knew that he'll get them back one day. Even if revenge isn't very heroic, he wasn't anywhere near being a hero in Middle School, so what's the harm in a little vengeance?

Every time someone bullied him, every time a teacher ignored his suffering without a care, something unfortunate happens to them. Thanks to two of his quirks, Curse and Probability Manipulation, (Y/n) is able to get back at those who've wronged him without having to lift a finger.

Curse allows him to place, well, a curse on anyone or anything he wants. This can range from the expulsion of quirks, emotions, memories, physical condition, or even life. The catch is that the person inflicted with the curse just has to stop whatever (Y/n) tells them to stop. If they're too dumb to realize that, then they might as well suffer whatever punishment the curse has for them.

For example, back in America, there was a kid with a quirk that allowed them to turn into some indestructible robot man. They were one of (Y/n)'s bullies, hitting the boy with their iron fist whenever they got the chance. In order to put an immediate stop to this, (Y/n) curse the boy to grow depressed every time they have any sort of ill intent towards him. The robo-boy grew so dejected to the point where they killed themselves a week later.

Probability Manipulation allows him to manipulate the probability of an event to occur, and or how likely it is that a proposition is true. He can decide how likely events happen, making unlikely things occur more often or instantly and preventing liable events from happening. He can cause and prevent both good and bad luck, sudden deaths, natural disasters, and even apocalyptic events. It's another quirk that (Y/n) can activate without having to lift a finger. He can change the probability of things happening with his mind alone...

It's just like time he increased the probability of some bully's mom dying in a car crash, or how he increased the probability of some teacher choking to death on their favorite food, or how he decreased someone's chance of passing a class, resulting in them having to take it again!

He will admit that these events happening in a short matter of time, and only to his bullies has raised some pointing fingers towards him. But as far as the people know, (Y/n)'s quirk is Corruption, and it's not capable of the acts that killed his bullies and their loved ones. They all had their own will, and none of the acts that killed the victims were irregular.

K: My Hero Academia x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now