past is present

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Elena woke up to the sound of talking outside.

Elena looked out her balcony to Katherine talking to a man in a suit. There was something about him that looked dead. Elena now had a knack for sorting vampires from people. For the most part their demine was different; it was colder depending on their age.

Every so often she was wrong but she knew that this was someone from her moms past.

Right now she just wished she had vamp hearing. One of the down sides of being around vampires all the time is that you don't have the same strengths.

Katheirne pov(idk why but imagine her with her hair back like in the masquerade episode)

"Katarina, it's been a while hasn't it." he said

"Well I thought you died back in 1490." she said shocked

"I guess i wasn't on the family radar." he said

"Well I wouldn't call you a loved one, Prince Irodan." she said

"You were supposed to be, we were engaged were we not?" he said

"Well you're my cousin it's weird now and i'm not sure why it wasn't seen as weird then." she said trying to walk away

Then he vamp speeded over to her pushing her into the open house but couldn't come inside.

He wasnt invited in

"I thought you owned the house?" he said

Shock filled her face and fear filled her heart

"Unless you have a living relative, your daughter did not die with the rest of your family did she. The doppelganger cycle must have repeated." he said with a grin

"How do you know about that." she said

"Klaus filled me in about our family history, i'm not just his messenger i came to deliver." he said inching closer.

"You're the one who's been following me aren't you?" she said.

"One way or another I always deliver and I expect you to be my consolation prize, my princess katarina." he said, kissing her on the forehead. Then he ran left.

Katheirne then went to throw up in fear and in disgust that her cousin still wanted to marry her after 500 years.

"Elena, please come down here." she said

Katheirne hasn't thrown up since she was human.

"Who was that outside mom... oh my god are you okay!" she said

"He, found us." she said

"Who mom, KLAUS!" she said in fear

"No the man he sent after us." she said

"So, we move." she said

"No, I play offense." katherine said

Later that night

Katherine was getting ready to do what she did best: trap her prey then kill.

"Be safe mom, are you you sure you don't want a weapon?" elena asked timidly

"I'm the deadliest weapon." she said

Then she left to stake a relative

Elena started to look around the library again. Now she could reach the upper shelves

There she saw another petrova book except this one was a diary.

It was katherines up until she was banished. She found out that Katherine was technically a princess, and was supposed to marry her first cousin who Elena put together after them. Also about her great great and so on grandfather. Lastly the traveler bloodline they came from whatever that was, they put a spell to keep their belongings in tacked forever. A lot of traveling does that to your stuff.

Elena decided to take a look in katherines old room.

She opened the oak doors of the closet. To dozens of dresses and jewelry. In the middle was a portrait of her. No it was Katherine when she was around her age. It was freaky.

She looked so innocent yet so burdened, the crown on her head seemed too heavy for her small body. Her posture was so perfect you wouldn't be able to tell if you didn't know her mom like she did.

Then Elena tried the dresses on. It's weird how perfectly they fit. Till she remembered they were tailored to Katherine's body, her body.

Then she put on one of her tiaras. Then she put a timer on her camera and reenacted katherines portrait. Then she looked in the mirror. She didn't see herself. Well she did but, it was weird as if she stepped into katherines body.

She took off the dress, the feeling was too weird. She made sure the dress was put back exactly the way she found it.

She sat down on the bed with the tiara. Then she put it on her head, it made her feel close to her mom when she was scared. What if she didn't succeed. What if she lost her mother.

"Elena..?" elena turned her head and saw katherine standing in the door way.

"Mom." she said

"My old diary opened in the library." katherine said

"You're... we are technically royalty." elena said

"Yes well the monarchy has fallen apart and iv technically been dead for centuries so you are technically royalty, i was the daughter of the brother of the king engaged to her first cousin the first in line to be king, so its kinda messy." katherine said

"I never fully saw the whole doppelganger thing before but look at this." elena pulled the picture up of her next to katherine's portrait."i felt as if i was in your body as if i wasn't me, mom its becoming so real to me." she said hugging her mom.

"Elena Isobel katarina Petrova, I don't want you to worry about anything other than your studies and being a teenage girl. I will protect us." she said kissing elena forehead

"Its just hard mom, i haven't felt safe in long time.ever since leo and then your cousin coming and theres always klaus.' she said crying into her mom. "I thought i might lose you tonight." she said

"I'm Katherine Pierce the survivor, and you're my daughter." holding her close."I love you."

"I love you to mom." elena said

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