Getting Pulled Into Another World

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A young man was putting the finishing touches on a costume. Said costume was a: pink, white and black quasi-suit of armor with green, bug-like eyes on the helmet. The wearer of the costume would say that it was, Kamen Rider Decade. A character from a Japanese television series aimed at pre-teens.

"What do you think, dad?" The young man in the costume said as he adjusted a strange belt that somewhat resembled a white camera while he looked in the mirror.

"I think it's a fantastic piece of work," the young man's father said with a nod and a grin. "Easily among my top 10."

"What about you mom?" The young man asked, turning to a middle-aged woman with a high-end camera slung around her neck.

"Hmm," she started holding her hands up as though they were a frame. "Give me a pose, I want to see something heroic. The young man struck a pose and his mother's face lit up as she pressed the shutter button rapidly, and moving around him to get multiple angles. After at least a dozen pictures the young man's mother took a look at the screen on the camera. "Perfect!" She beamed with a large smile. "You look like a genuine hero here, Wyatt. You're gonna knock'em dead at the convention."

"Thanks, who knows? Maybe if there's a costume contest I might be able to win," Wyatt offered with a bit of a nervous chuckle.

"Well, if that does happen be sure to mention me. It'll give me a ton of business."

"Sure thing dad," Wyatt said with a nod as he started to take the costume off and placed it carefully into a suitcase. Revealing his short, light brown hair and his chocolate brown eyes.

"So, are you excited about the convention?" his father asked.

"Yeah, I looked it up and this seems like it's going to be a lot of fun. And I'll get to see Mark in person again so that'll be a huge plus."

"I'm still not sure about all this," Wyatt's mother admitted as she put her camera down. "I don't know if you're ready to go to something like this on your own."

"Mom, I'll be fine," Wyatt reassured her. "I'm eighteen, I think I can take care of myself at a convention devoted to anime and things like that."

"He's right dear, I think we can trust Wyatt enough for this. Plus, he won't be alone there. Mark will be with him and he's always been a good kid."

"I suppose you make a good point," she sighed. "Just make sure to call me when you get to the hotel, okay?"

"No problem," Wyatt relented with a chuckle.

"Alright honey," Wyatt's mother started with a little clap. "You'd better hit the hay considering you have to get up early for your flight."

"Hold up, I've got some photos in the dark room and I don't want them to overdevelop." Wyatt said as he rushed to his home's dark room.

"Why did you do this today?" His mother huffed. "You knew that you had to get ready for your flight.

"I just finished the roll of film yesterday and I needed to get a new one put in the camera for the convention," He called out as he started to pick his photos out of the solution.

"And you started developing the film without even thinking, didn't you?" His mother sighed.

"Well, excuse me if a certain someone drilled the process into my head since I could walk," Wyatt shot back with a chuckle.

"Why couldn't you be like other young photographers and just prefer digital cameras?"

"Again, you've trained me on film for so long that I prefer it. Face it mom, I'm a beast of your own creation!" He boomed and started to laugh like a cliché villain as he hung up the last of his photos.

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