Danielle placed her body so her shoulders were directly over Coras chest. She straightens both of her elbows, locking them in position. She then started pressing on Coras chest with the palm of her hand, two pushes every second.

After a couple of compressions Danielle starts to perform mouth to mouth. Danielle pinches Coras nose with two fingers, and sets her left hand on Coras chin, opening Coras mouth. Danielle looks in Coras mouth, making sure nothing was in her throat. Danielle puts her lips upon Coras and breaths deeply in her mouth. Coras starts the chest compressions again, then breaths in her mouth. Five compression to a breath, trying to get Cora to start breathing again.

After agonizing minutes of uncertainty, Cora finally takes a deep breath. Me along with the other two that are with me, exhale a breath they were holding. Danielle falls onto the ground with relief. After a couple of seconds, of listening to the sound of Coras steady breathing, I turn towards Lilley.

"What happened when we left?" I question.

Lilley looks at me with foggy eyes. "Umm..." Lilley swallows hard., glancing down. "The General, he came. He took her." She looks back up. Those men have already put me through hell. I'm not going to let them do the same thing to Bella.

My jaw clenches as my mind only has one thought.

I will find you Bella.

I will always find you.

As i finished my thoughts a crackling noise filled my ears making me get up from the ground and follow the weird noise. I venture into the forest and notice a walkie talkie sitting on a fallen log. I pick the object up before going back to the group, to show them what I just found.

Bella's POV

My eyes slowly slide open. Something soft is underneath my hurting frame. It's soft like a matrice. I haven't been on a matrice in years, not one this soft. Suddenly what happened hours before fills my mind, making me jump up, trying to get off the convertible cloud I'm laying on. I try getting up, only to be held right in place.


I look around, noticing chains around my ankles and wrists. I breathe in sharply through my nose.

This can't be happening again.

Memories of being tied down to the bed when I was thirteen filled my already broken mind. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself so i dont alert anyone that might be lurking around.

I move against my restraints, trying to get out. Only to be disappointed when my wrists and ankles start to ache. I glance down at my body and cringe at what i see. I dont know why but i am wearing a white silky dress.

Have I died?

Did they kill me?

Why would I be in a white dress? The wost thoughts filled my mind on how i can to be in this dress.

Just then the door on the far left opens, revealing the stupid son of a bitch that took me hostage. "Well at least i'm not dead." I comment.

He grins at me with his crooked teeth. I resist the urge to groan in disgust, but I don't resist rolling my eyes. "What are you going to do?" I question.

"I'm going to unchain you from the bed, and i'm going to show you around my little place i got here." He waves his hand like he was trying to prove his point.

I move under the restraints. "Why?" I ask.

He moves closer towards the bed I'm stuck to. "Because I want you to leave your petty group, and join me." My eyebrows raise.

The end of the worldWhere stories live. Discover now