HC'S !! (cuphead)

30 4 7

Cuphead HC:

11 yr ^^

Likes (people): Lloyd, Holiday, Embry, GK999

Neutral (people): Nagito, Ryo, Rimuru, Sun Wukong

Dislikes (people): MK

thoughts on them:

"Lloyd? my good friend who seems to understand me which is weird, but thanks. He seems surprised whenever he listens to my stories, I like how flabbergasted he gets. He's also quite funny sometimes." (good friends)

"Holiday is a chill girl, she acts like a sister figure to me. why? She is cool to hang out with... She even gets me ice cream!" (good friends)

"Embry is a cautious girl. She is extremely introverted though, hard to talk to her but we do make good conversations." (friends)

"GK seems quite young. I wonder if he can teach me how to use a sword... wait do I even need a sword? pft, swords.. it'd seem cool though. I can even teach mugsy in the future if I ever see him! Wait why is a 13 year old using a sword anyways?" (friends)

"Nagito... he creeps me out. But in a way he's kind, can be scary at times and unpredictable. That scares me, more than the devil himself. Hey at least he spoils me a lot... which is also creepy! WHY IS EVERYTHING HE DOES SO CREEPY?!" (???)

"Ryo, he's extremely cheerful and sees the bright side of things. Not everything is good in the world, he should know this... Sometimes I wish I could be as happy as him. How does he even do it?? Maybe he's just allergic to sadness" (???)

"Rimuru is alright, he's an extremely powerful god though... I think I can beat him! we usually talk about our abilities, we're so cool." (friends)

"SUN WUKONG! My partner in crime." (they're definitely acquaintances)

"...MK seems too... scared? anxious? eh. I don't like that. He has to be stronger." (??? Dislikes.)

Likes: Ice cream, candy, fighting, testing out weapons (guns), parrying objects, C H A O S. AND MONEY!!

Dislikes: Weakness, cowardness, logic (sometimes)

Other: Breaks the house objects too much. Oven? EXPLODING. Have something slightly neon pink? PARRY. Window? oh that's broken too, Door? GONE.

Other 2: He tries to paint himself as a big person, he has a small ego, though it's only because his powers are kinda overpowered, and he's grown to always fight in a flight or fight situation, in the end he's still a kid, he doesn't know much. He wants to protect people but hurts them in the process. He wants to be a good person...kinda...maybe.

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