[Prologue: A New Beginning XII]

Start from the beginning

Only being forced to truly fight in combat because they were either conscripted or it is the most highest job at the time, the richest that even the poorest of people would get from becoming a warrior who had gone through many combat was no doubt immense.

Yet the risk was too great, life was harsh in the ancient times of the Turmoil Era before the Aeons arrived, but since the first among them had descended things began to change.

It was slow and only took noticed after a hundred year had passed since their arrival and several more centuries before the Aeons had finally consolidated themselves among the masses of Terra.

In the early days of the Aeonian Era, Warfare had been heavily affected by their arrival bringing strange new concepts yet to be known or discovered by the terran themselves as they have yet to fully developed.

From Kazdel began the Era of Machines or Automatons as it was more commonly known along with the Era of Alchemy, on Leithanien began the Era of Arcane and Liberatiom, and to the yet united Ursus came the Era of Titans and Forges.

All this coalesced to bring about a new age of Warfare that would catch many other nations at the time wholly unprepared for what they would face.

Allowing the three major powers to fully consolidate themselves within what would became present day borders, three major powers that caused multiple chain of events that changed Terra as we know it.

The beginning of a new Warfare would be further catalyzed by the new invention that had been forged by the Emanator Otto Apocalypse who had been the first to initiate the first industrialization age.

It was only fitting the first would be the one to bring a new change once more as he had done so in the earliest days of the Aeonian Era.

Not far beyond kazdel, located upon vast high mountains splintered into dozens of smaller pieces that formed odd pillars of stone was a vast complex that none had yet to know back in Kazdel at the time.

After the decree of King Kazlan for the production of the first mechanized army of Kazdel, Otto had already marshaled a large numbers of his Homunculus and personally crafted Automatons in forging a vast citadel of steel.

This became known as the Vulcan Citadel due to it's vast industry that caused itself to be mistaken for a newly emerge volcano, in reality it was the gargantuan forges that had been built deep inside the mountain that caused the volcanic effect.

Fortunately the fumes it produces aren't as harmful as most had believed, rather the smoke created by the Forge acted as a beneficial source of purification and terraformation across the badly damaged lands affected by catastrophes.

Even today many are boggled by its ability to produce such beneficial effect that many had attempted to replicate, unfortunately such secrets had been lost to time when the First Emanator vanished for a time till he had resurfaced again in modern times.

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