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Rat squinted his eyes slightly as the area around him began to heat up. "I-is it just me or is it hotter in here than normal..?" Slug questioned, chuckling a bit at what he said. "Yeah.. I think it is.." Rat said seriously, snapping Slug out of it. He then looked out the window to determine what was making the car heat up so much.

Slug quickly got his answer.

"V-VOLCANO!!" Slug screeched out in fear, tensing on his seat, gritting his teeth. "WHAT?!" Rat screamed back, matching his energy. The car halted to a stop, the duo jerking forward. "WHAT DID YOU SAY..?" Rat yelped, stressed out, his voice filled with panic.

"T-THERES LAVA, RAT! I-" Slug trailed off, unsure what to say or do until he spotted the subway in the corner of his eye. "THERE! Rat! We need to go down there, I- It'll be safe!" He shouted, pointing at the tunnel with previously unforeseen hope in his eyes and laced in his voice.

"Okay." Is all that Rat said as he slammed down his foot on the pedal and sped the car towards the now discovered underground train station. They both held on to the Limo as the once fast car then screeched to a stop, once again heaving them forward.

"Come on Rat! We- We gotta go!" Slug yelped urgently, urging the birdlike fellow to snap out of his fear and follow him. Rat just nodded and followed from close behind, his hand reaching out towards his but then pulling itself back as if self-concious.

Slug noticed but didn't say anything and tried to ignore the ache in his chest that told him to go back and hold his hand anyway- and tell him how you really feel- and-

Slug decided to stop thinking so much about Rat before he had to question himself again and decided to place his focus on the problem they were now directly facing.

The Subway.

The are was empty and dark as they walked around it, although luckily free of lava or burnt items. "Do- Do you think the train still works..?" Slug asked, trying to hopefully lighten the mood or atleast make something new happen to get his mind off of all these confusing feelings.

"Lets hope so.." Rat muttered, his eyes dark with uncertainty. He walked towards the train, pushing the door open with some of his strength and holding it open for Slug. After he walked through, Rat quickly hurried to the front of the train, trying to make sense of the control panel and to get the train to work.

"Any luck?" Slug asked, peering over his shoulder. "I- I actually think so!" Rat exclaimed happily, turning over to look at Slug with a smile. Slug, unsure of what to say to this, instead just went to hug him as appreciation instead. As Rat pushed the lever to get the train moving, Slug sat down on some seats nearby.

Rat soon joined him after fiddling with the controls, scooting close to him. As Rat glanced over at his friend, he smiled, he was so handsome. "What..?" Slug, questioned sleepily, noticing Rat's gaze on him. "Heh.. Nothing bud, go to sleep." Rat said to him fondly. Slug shrugged and closed his eyes, his head slowly falling onto Rat's shoulder.

As Rat grew tired himself, he closed his eyes and set his head down on Slug's. God, he loved Slug so much, he just wish he could say it. He really is perfect. Rat was just smiling now thinking about him.
He slowly drifted off to sleep.

TOGETHER (RATSKEWER X PUTRIDSLUG)Where stories live. Discover now