💫 Mysterious Lady

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[Just to clear up any confusion, if a chapter has "💫" or "❗️" in its title, then it's a bonus chapter or announcement. Bonus chapters might still be important to the story so I'd recommend reading them anyway. Announcements, well, you should read them too.]

You arrived back at your dorm, seemingly relieved to be back. You set Ezra down to let her explore a bit. "Today's been a rough day, hasn't it?" Yuu hummed beside you. "It has. I'm just glad we can rest." Grim had already ran off as soon as you entered the dorm.

You perked up, "oh! I cleaned one of the rooms this morning, so we don't have to share a room anymore."

A sigh of relief escaped from the boy's mouth. "Great. But... when did you have the time to clean? I didn't see you cleaning this morning, and we've been outside all day." He tilted his head, eyes full of confusion.

"Heh. You don't know how experienced I am in cleaning." You smirked.

"By the way, um..." Yuu paused. You blinked at him, waiting for him to continue. "Are you okay?"

You blinked again. "Huh?" Yuu glanced away. "What Ace said. Are you okay?" Oh, he was talking about what Ace had said to you back at the Dwarfs' mine.

"Yeah, I'm alright." You answered, almost unsure of your answer. "Listen... if you need to talk about anything, I'm always here for you." Yuu averted his gaze back to you. He was definitely being sincere with his words.

Your eyes widened. No one has ever said that to you except Lady Isabella, but you could barely remember anything about her. After you got adopted, your life had become literal hell. "I..." You were at a loss for words. Almost as if your body was moving on your own, you hurled yourself onto Yuu, arms wrapped tightly around his waist.

"Ah- Y/n?!" He exclaimed in shock, blush visible on his face.

"I'm sorry, I just... you're the first person to say that to me.. thank you." You whispered, slowly letting go of him. Yuu smiled, "of course. That's what friends are for, right?" You chuckled. "Just don't let Ezra find out about what Ace said... things might not go so well."

You knew for a fact that if she found out, she would no doubt hunt Ace down in the middle of the night.

"Oh, before I forget," he continued, "I saw you picking up some flowers back at the mine. What are they for?" You jolted up, going into your pockets to take the two flowers out. Luckily, they were unscathed.

"Oh, these. Honestly, I don't know." You replied bluntly. "I just found them on the ground and... they were a bit strange."

Yuu furrowed his eyebrows. "Strange how?" You shrugged. "I could see them glowing from the corner of my eye. It was like my body was moving on its own."

"The rose... what a unique colour." Yuu muttered. A yawn escaped your mouth. "I'll look at them more in the morning, I'm going to bed. Goodnight, Yuu." You gave the boy a pat on the shoulder before heading upstairs.

Yuu watched as you left. His face was practically airbrushed with blush, oh how lucky he was you weren't there to see it. He still didn't know how he was able to keep his composure when you hugged him. "Goodnight, Y/n." He whispered with a soft smile, going to his room which was the only clean one aside from yours.

"Hey Ezra." You greeted the cat who was laying on your bed. You went over to the bedside table to set the flowers down on it and strangely enough, there were two glass vases that were perfect to put the flowers in.

"Mraow!" Ezra perked up, trotting over to you. You bent down to pet her, sighing softly. "Today's been wild. I'm happy you're here with me. I'm just wondering how you got here..." Ezra was basically your everything. If anything happened to her, the whole world would go down in flames.

Ezra meowed, clearly wanting to tell you something. "Hm? What is it? You tilted your head.

"Oh? So you were also pulled in by the mirror in my room? And then a really nice lady helped you find your way back to me?" You asked, receiving a nod of confirmation from the cat. "Strange... how does that lady know that Ezra's with me? And how did she find me...? Oh, can she understand cats too?" You seemed lost in thought. "Ezra, do you know who she is?"

Ezra shook her head. "Okay... what does she look like?"

The cat meowed. How lucky you were that you could understand her. "A tall woman with short, faded blue hair and tan skin, steel blue eyes, and a purple lotus in her hair..." You mumbled before sighing. "Nope. Don't know her." You felt Ezra tugging on your sleeves, trying to tell you something.

"A... strange aura? Almost as if it was putting you to sleep? That's very bizarre.." You muttered in confusion. "I wonder, will I ever get to meet you, mysterious lady?"

You let out a tired yawn, all this thinking made you even more exhausted. Ezra patted you quickly with her paws, she was clearly wanting you to go to sleep. You chuckled, "alright alright, we'll go to sleep."

Luckily, there was enough space on the bed for the three of you. Grim was curled up on the left end corner of the bed, you on the right and Ezra beside you. "Goodnight, Ezra." The cat meowed softly before purring. She was already asleep, must have been a long day for her too. You slowly closed your eyes, giving in to your exhaustion and soon falling asleep.

[Okay, this chapter is extremely short and I don't really know why I made it, but I just wanted to make a cute little chapter with our cat and Yuu. Next chapter will be the first chapter of Heartslabyul! Are you excited? Also, we have a new character mentioned... who could it be? 🤔]

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