c o n f r o n t

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Pria Kneel

okay im gonna be honest with all you right now

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okay im gonna be honest with all you right now.

i know damn well somethings happening between that professor and aly.

i mean, cmon. im an idiot during classes but not when it comes to relationships.

putting her im front of the class? detention ALONE?

that man is a manwhore.

aaand it should be pretty obvious hes gonna take advantage of a girl to be loved, by anyone.

and i mean anyone.

i love aly and all, and ill supprt her for whatever she does or whoever she dates or hooks up with, but i dont know what the hell i'd do finding out they're hooking up or something.

kissing is probably the worse thing they can do together.

so.. as aly's bestfriend and later on her maid of honor.. i decided to confront him.


i walked into riddles classroom, slamming the door behind me and putting my bag down.

he looked up from his desk, probably grading and placed his pencil down.

'need something, ms kneel?' he asked with a dark tone. 'im a little busy right now.'

'i need to talk to you about something.'

'okay.' he replied, waiting.

i took in a long sigh, debating if i should say it or not.

if i was wrong, this would sound so stupid and he would never forgive me, he would probably get me to purposely fail to kick me out.

but.. what would happen if i was right?

'i know about you and aly.' i blurted out.

'mrs freshman? what about her?' he asked, tilting his head confused.

'you guys have been hooking up!!' i snap, completely loosing it.

'hooking up?' he asked, raising his eyebrows. 'with her professor?'

'dont play dumb, i've seen you!'

'tutoring her? pria, you know her very very well. so you should know that shes currently failing this class and im tutoring her before the semester ends and she fails. i dont know where you heard the word 'hooking up' but that would be absolutely disgusting. you can leave.' he says, laying his hand out to the door and looking back down at the papers on his desk.

i stare at him in disbelief in anger, i wanted to loose it and cast avada- ..but i didnt.

'fine.' i snap, glaring at him and knocking stuff off his desk in anger.

'have fun cleaning that up.' i yell, grabbing my stuff and quickly walking out. i was furious but i need the answer from both people.


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