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Aly Freshman

want you so bad baby hurt my feelings

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want you so bad baby hurt my feelings .. - tate mcrae

i was in class, talking to pria behind me, i mean i had nothing better to do.

'but j dont know, i might just be overthinking it but i think he realy likes me.' i smile.



'you think you two are compatible?' she ask, writing down the notes snape gave as she talks to me.

'well i didnt say thatt..'

'it sounds like it.' she chuckles, putting down her quill.

'do you think we are? i mean, be honest.' i ask, looking at her waiting for an answer.

'i dont know, it seems like hes really interested in you and you guys are pretty close.'

'you think?' i smile.

'do you have something you wanna share with the class, mrs freshman?' i hear a dark voice spoke behind me.


i breathe out anf turn around with a force smile as i face my professor.

'no, you can continue. i dont want you to think my conversation that had nothing to do with you will disrupt the class.' i smile.

riddle glares at me, his jaw clenching as he heard my words and others 'ooo' around us like a bunch of 3rd grade idiots.

'i want you to stay after class so i can speak to you privately.' he says, anger rising in his voice.

riddle walks down away from my seat to check on the other kids. i just roll my eyes. who does he think he is?


'you wanted to see me?' i sigh, pulling my bag more onto my shoulder as i lay my hand down on his desk.

'why were you being such a brat?' he sighs, looking at me as he drops his quill.


'i didnt stutter.' he said, glaring at me with those cold eyes.

'you interrupted my conversation, i'd say you were the one being a "brat".'

'aly, you will be getting a p for you semester grade, you can work your way back up before the semester ends.'

'what?' i suddenly ask. 'no, you cant do that!'

𝐲𝐞𝐬, 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫? - 𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞Where stories live. Discover now